Get Rid of Stress, Stay Young, Have More Physical Stamina, Have Better Concentration, and Better Physical Health. Want to Revitalize Your Brain? Want to Have More Energy? Want to Feel More Vital and Alive? Have You Been Noticing Cognitive Decline? High Dose B Vitamins Can Help. Watch Short Video for Full Details. See Science References Below… Dr. Paul Haider - Award Winning Master Herbalist and Health and Wellness Instructor for 33 Years. Watch a Very Short Video.

Science References:

NIH - 2024 - Dietary Niacin Intake and Mortality Among Individuals With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease

NIH - 2023 - What is really known about the effects of nicotinamide riboside supplementation in humans

NIH - 2023 - Potential Synergistic Supplementation of NAD+ Promoting Compounds as a Strategy for Increasing Healthspan

NIH - 2023 - Effects of lifespan-extending interventions on cognitive healthspan

NIH - 2021 - Potential mental and physical benefits of supplementation with a high-dose, B-complex multivitamin/mineral supplement: What is the evidence?

NIH - 2020 - Can nicotinamide riboside protect against cognitive impairment?

NIH - 2020 - Nicotinamide Riboside-The Current State of Research and Therapeutic Uses

NIH - 2019 - Nutraceutical Supplements in the Thyroid Setting: Health Benefits beyond Basic Nutrition

NIH - 2013 - B Vitamins and Cognitive Performance in Older Adults: Review

#High_Dose_B_Vitamins_for_Anti-Aging_and_Good_Mental_Health                    #Vitamins                    
#AntiAging                          #Remedies  

Let’s Get Healthy! 

I Have More Than 1000 Videos on Youtube! And 6000 Articles on My Website. 

Let’s Work With Nature and Feel Great! 

Watch My Video and Find Out More… Dr. Paul Haider 

Dr. Paul Haider – Award Winning Master Herbalist & Health and Wellness Instructor 

Many Blessings to Everyone!

I Have the #1 Herbal Channel on YouTube Please Subscribe

Phone - 831-869-9119 

See Link to Video

Author's Bio: 

Feel Free to Share – This information is meant to get you started so you can do more research on your own… dig a little deeper and find what works for you. This video or article is for educational purposes only, I strongly recommend that you seek advice from your own GP, private doctor, or medical specialist for any ailment, illness, or medical condition.. this article or video is not meant to be a scientific analysis in any way, shape, or form. This forum is for positive uplifting thoughts and ideas… please keep your thoughts and comments positive, loving, and kind. 

Dr. Paul Haider – Master Herbalist for over 30 years, helping people to recover and feel healthy. You can also find Dr. Haider on FB under Dr. Paul Haider, Healing Herbs, and at my website - – feel free to connect with him anytime. 

You can donate on Paypal using this link - 

Many Blessings My Friends