
Klebsiella is an organism that causes many infections. These infections can take the form of sepsis, urinary tract infection, pneumonia and wound infections. Since 2011 a global explosion of klebsiella infections has been reported and most importantly this bacteria is resistant to a large number of broad spectrum antibiotics. Many klebsiella infections are designated as fatal and difficult to treat. If we talk about klebsiella sepsis then it is most common in immunocompromised populations like patients suffering from cancer, diabetes, children and others. In this article our main focus will remain on klebsiella induced sepsis. This condition is rare to develop but is known to have severe outcomes. Now let’s discuss klebsiella induced sepsis in detail.


First of all we should understand the exact meaning of the term sepsis. Sepsis is termed as the body's extreme reaction to any infection (in this case reaction to klebsiella infection) and extreme reaction requires emergency medical attention. Sepsis is a stage that is only obtained when the infecting agent triggers a chain reaction in your body thus resulting in the release of the agents by our immune  system to fight the infecting agent, but instead these agents cause inflammation throughout the body. If timely management is not done then it can lead to tissue damage, organ failure and even death . Sepsis is divided into three stages: sepsis, severe sepsis and septic shock.


In klebsiella sepsis, it’s obvious that the reason for sepsis is the klebsiella infection in the body like klebsiella pneumonia, abdominal infections, klebsiella urinary tract infection and blood stream infection. 

Stages of sepsis

Stage one: Systemic inflammatory response syndrome

Sepsis is a hard to identify condition, but is typically denoted by high respiratory rate, high high rate, low or high body temperature, low or high white blood cell count and a suspected or known infection in the body. These aforesigns are used to identify systemic inflammatory response syndrome that only becomes sepsis when presence of sepsis is there.

Stage two: Severe sepsis

The second stage is identified when there is noticeable organ dysfunction. This may include hypotension (low blood pressure) and hypoperfusion (low blood flow through organs). Organ dysfunction can include any system of the body. 

Stage three: Septic shock

This stage has the highest chance of mortality, estimated between 30% to 50%. It is identified when there is severe hypotension, sepsis and despite resuscitation of fluid. Elevated levels of lactate, which is a perfusion abnormality is also noticed.   

Symptoms according to stage of sepsis

Symptoms in first stage

  1. Fever (ranging above 101 degree fahrenheit)
  2. Increased heart rate (tachycardia more than 90 beats per minute)
  3. 20 or more respiratory cycles a minute denoting increased respiratory rate.
  4. Presence of infection
  5. At Least two of  above mentioned symptoms should be present to make diagnosis of sepsis.

Symptoms in second stage

As mentioned earlier this stage is marked by organ dysfunction, so it usually presents with

  1. Decreased urine output
  2. Decreased blood platelet count
  3. Abnormal breathing and pumping of heart
  4. Abdominal pain
  5. Mental debility
  6. Chills due to hypothermia
  7. Patient may get unconscious

Symptoms in septic shock

The septic shock has severe symptoms that include pale extremities due to perfusion abnormality, postural (standing) hypotension, palpitations, restlessness, presence of oliguria or anuria and other symptoms similar to severe sepsis or second stage of sepsis.

People at risk

  1. Usually the adults are between 60-70 years of age.
  2. Immunocompromised patients like cancer patients on chemotherapy, diabetic patients etc.
  3. Patients in intensive care unit (ICU)
  4. Even young children

Diagnosing sepsis

  1. Complete blood count indicating low platelet count
  2. Urine culture showing presence of pus cells, red blood cells and dense concentration (klebsiella urinary tract infection)
  3. Klebsiella pneumonia showing consolidations and fibrosis in anteroposterior view of lungs in X-ray and sputum test in this case.

Management of sepsis

In modern, the sepsis is managed using broad spectrum antibiotics but in klebsiella sepsis the choice of antibiotic is to be done with precaution as the bacteria is resistant to multiple antibiotics.Along with antibiotics intravenous fluid is also administered to correct the perfusion abnormalities with corticosteroids injection to reduce inflammation. Use of painkillers is also done.

Planet Ayurveda is a leading herbal manufacturing unit that is serving for the last 20 years. The products by planet ayurveda are manufactured under the guidance of expert ayurvedic practitioners. These products are very effective in maintaining and improving a patient's condition. The products offered by planet ayurveda for the management of klebsiella sepsis are

  1. Gandhak Rasayan
  2. Manjishtha Capsule
  3. Kaishore Guggul
  4. Neem capsules

Products Description

1. Gandhak rasayan

Gandhak rasayan is manufactured using purified sulphur and is very useful in strengthening your immune system. As a rasayan it has rejuvenating power and protects cells from further damage and also nourishes the partially damaged cells.

 Dose: Two tablets twice a day after meals.

2. Manjishtha capsule

Manjishtha Capsules are known to balance pitta dosha and are manufactured using Rubia cordifolia (Manjishtha) only. Manjishtha wonderfully works in blood purification and pacifies pitta which is the main reason for blood toxification. As aggravated pitta combines along with blood and toxifies it. So use of manjishtha in this case helps in providing the body with a soothing effect.

Manjishtha Capsules are known to balance pitta dosha and are manufactured using Rubia cordifolia (Manjishtha) only. Manjishtha wonderfully works in blood purification and pacifies pitta which is the main reason for blood toxification. As aggravated pitta combines along with blood and toxifies it. So use of manjishtha in this case helps in providing the body with a soothing effect.

3. Kaishore guggul

This herbal formulation contains medicinal herbs such as Amalaki ( Emblica officinalis ), Bibhitaki ( Terminalia bellirica ), Haritaki ( Terminalia chebula ), Guduchi ( Tinospora cordifolia ), Vidang ( Embelia ribes ), Kali mirch ( Piper nigrum ) etc. Herbs help in purifying blood by excreting out impurities from it. Some herbs are enriched with antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties thus it helps in resolving inflammation in the internal tissues.

Dose - Two tablets two times in a day with plain water after meals.

4. Neem capsules

Neem (Azadirachta indica) , since antiquity is known to have healing benefits. It behaves as an antioxidant, regulates body metabolism and in classics neem is termed as a reliever of sickness.

Dose: One capsule twice daily after meals.

Contact Planet Ayurveda to provide you the costing / ordering and delivery information at – costing.planetayurveda@gmail.com or call at +91-172-5214030 Or Check Website – www.PlanetAyurveda.com


Klebsiella sepsis is a very rare condition and can affect people of any age. Usually the people that have low immunity lie between the age group of 60-70 years. The products offered by planet Ayurveda for this condition will definitely work in enhancing your immunity and help in maintaining good defenses of the body. In case of any query kindly visit www.planetayurveda.com

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan (MD - Ayurveda) is the CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Pvt. Ltd. He is Author of the Book "Ayurveda – God’s Manual For Healing". He is an Ayurveda Expert Serving People worldwide through all the Possible Mediums, Operating from Main Branch in Mohali, India. With his Vast Experience in Herbs and their Applied Uses, he is successfully treating Numerous Patients suffering from Various Ailments with the help of Purest Herbal Supplements, Diet, and Lifestyle, according to the Principles of Ayurveda. For More Details, visit www.PlanetAyurveda.com