Heater and Furnace Operations in Central Florida

At today's energy prices, the rising costs of utility bills are cause for concern in most homes. These are most significant in the summer, when air-conditioning systems work overtime in most Florida homes, and in the winter, when heaters and furnaces are similarly required consistently. The key is to keep your heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems in top working condition to minimize your utility bills. It doesn't end there, energy auditing done at your home can zero in on areas that are adding significantly to your energy bills. These could be in areas you never considered, like poor insulation. Poor insulation will ramp up your heating bill in the winter and costs of air-conditioning in the summer. The solution might not be very expensive, but could result in immense savings. It could be something simple for example: more efficient sealing.

Not Always Warm and Sunny

If you Florida's tepid to warm climate leads you to believe you don't need heating, rest assured you are incorrect. The winters in Florida are not even close to being "Chicago like", but they can be nippy and a working and functional heater can be the difference between having miserable winters, or some simple comfort and assurance.

Water heaters

Today, water heaters that are over 10 years old are expensive to operate because they are extremely inefficient. If your heater is outdated and still working, it is worth considering a replacement, which will not only be more reliable, but could easily pay for itself with the money it saves on your annual utility bills. Water heaters today vary greatly, so making the right choice can be a challenge. You can choose from storage heaters, tankless water heaters, and solar heaters. While the storage heater is the most commonly used in the U.S., it suffers from an inherent disadvantage because the water has to be maintained at a preset temperature round the clock. So naturally your energy consumption will be greater.

Tankless water heaters are more energy efficient since they are only required to heat as much water as is being used; the downside is that you might have to have more than one unit. A quality and knowledgeable heating contractor in Bushnell, FL can study your requirements and recommend the best kind of water heater, to save you money, which would suit your home and usage patterns.

Energy Efficient Furnaces

Even if you are not contemplating a change with your furnace, it is well worth your while to schedule maintenance with a skilled HVAC technician. There could be something going wrong, which you will never know about till your system stops working. By then it will be too late and it could cost you hundreds or more in repairs.

Your old furnace, generally, runs at about 60% efficiency. Comparatively, a new furnace typically works at efficiency levels of between 90% and 95%. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to recognize the savings and what your existing furnace is costing you. Acquire an estimate from a reputable heating company in Ocala, FL and decide whether you want to save on your energy bills and enjoy the comfort and quiet operation of a new heating system. Annual costs with an outdated system can come as a nasty eye-opener, but if you make the change, your new heating system will pay for itself in a few years.

Author's Bio: 

Munn's Air Conditioning and Heating is Central Florida's premier furnace and air conditioning repair company . Visit them online for an estimate today.