It is true that fruits, vegetables, wine and chocolate are the classic sources of antioxidants; however, did you know that natural spices and herbs also contain them? Simply seasoning a little more and better your daily meals, you can reduce the risk of suffering many diseases.

The professionals are investigating the incidence of these natural products during the process of cooking the food. It seems that adding herbs and spices to the meats reduces harmful carcinogens that occur when cooking .
In addition, they can be used to highlight the taste of foods without adding extra calories or sodium, so they are excellent as condiments.

A list of the most appropriate condiments to flavor your dishes and gain health.


•Cumin: Cumin is a plant and species from the Mediterranean, is characterized by its strong smell and bitter taste, much appreciated in international cuisine. It provides various properties some considered curative. In some countries the frequency of its use in cymbals may vary. But without a doubt, it is a spice that stands out for its flavor and aroma . Some animal studies suggest that cumin may lower blood glucose. However, it is also an excellent source of iron and contains antibacterial properties, which is beneficial for the relief of stomach ulcers. Generally, Mexican, Thai, Greek and Mediterranean food includes this spice. Mix cumin seeds with vegetables, sprinkle the preparation with olive oil and grind it in the oven.

The main benefits of "cumin" are: aid to digestive health, support for oral health, bad breath, gingivitis, natural deforming, among other benefits, which undoubtedly will make our pantry never miss the cumin.

•Cinnamon: provides iron, calcium, magnesium and antioxidants; various studies claim that it controls blood sugar and high blood pressure. You can enjoy the cinnamon in your oatmeal, cereal, yogurt or breakfast toast. It is also useful to use it for baking or adding it to the vegetables at lunch; For example, it goes very well with grilled carrots and sweet potatoes.

•Cardamom: contains phytochemicals with antiseptic properties; It helps reduce heartburn and better digest very fatty foods. Its particular aroma and flavor will give a special touch to your tea, coffee, chocolate or hot milk. You can add powdered cardamom to rice (to cook oriental style) or homemade cookies and muffins.

•Fennel: Fennel bulbs contain vitamin C, which greatly strengthens the immune system. You can use it fresh in salads, soups and stews; Dry seeds are excellent for dishes with fatty fish because they enhance their flavor. In cooked vegetables, tofu and yogurt it is also good to include chopped fresh fennel.

•Cayenne pepper: provides soothing effects to relieve physical pain; On the other hand, some research suggests that it helps you lose weight. A study published in the journal Psychology and Behavior showed that those who incorporate ½ tablespoon of cayenne pepper in the food burn more calories. You can use it in sauces, chopped and casseroles to add a touch of sweetness and spice to your dishes.

•Turmeric: provides curcumin, an antioxidant that prevents the development and growth of tumors related to breast cancer, improving the effectiveness of chemotherapy drugs. You can add turmeric in dishes with vegetables; yes, try to cook it a little before using it because it has a very strong flavor.

•Clove: it is loaded with antioxidants; In fact, a study by the US Nutrition Magazine measured the antioxidant content in various spices and concluded that the clove possessed the highest percentage. Its captivating aroma allows you to use it in homemade bread, cookies and muffins, but also in breakfast oats. The clove is a good equivalent of cinnamon and ginger to provide aroma and flavor.

•Ginger: contains gingerol, a powerful component very useful in the treatment of colds, gastrointestinal problems, motion sickness and in the prevention of cell damage that often leads to cancer. Its versatility allows you to use it in tea, smoothies, yogurt, cereals, on toast (sprinkled on top, with a little bit of butter and honey) and even on sautéed vegetables, as salad dressings and to marinate different dishes.

•Nutmeg: A 2011 study done in Italy showed that nutmeg contains antibacterial agents, which limits the formation of plaque in the denture to 50% and eliminates the microbes that cause cavities. It is even a spice that relieves intestinal gas and indigestion. You should use it in moderation: ¼ of a tablespoon in ground coffee, chili or breakfast cereal is enough.

•Saffron: Did you know that it is a natural antidepressant? Some studies indicate that it improves mood and relieves discomfort related to pre-menstrual syndrome. Because its production process is long, it is the most expensive spice in the world. However, a pinch is enough to give flavor and aroma to a dish. Soups, paellas and exotic stews are the best dishes to season with saffron.

•Garlic: a lot of scientific research endorses the power of garlic to lower bad cholesterol, reduce arterial blockages, decrease platelet formation and increase the health of the cardiovascular system. In addition, a little garlic cut with hot water is an excellent tea for the common cold. It can be used in salads, sauces, purées, creams, stews, casseroles, marinated (chopped to reduce its strong flavor)

When it comes to eating, we forget that spices can give a tasty touch to our table and thus make a healthy diet more bearable. Herbs and spices can improve (and much) the taste of a meal without adding an excessive amount of extra calories. A teaspoon of any of the following spices has no more than 5 calories, no fat or carbohydrates and can also be very effective to sculpt the body for its nutritional properties.

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