Health and Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise
By John-Roger, Founder of MSIA, NY Times #1 bestselling author, and the " New Age philosopher of love" according to TIMES Magazine.
(This article is from the chapter called Health in John-Roger’s book Fulfilling Your Spiritual Promise.)

I think we all know what it is not to feel well and not to have the energy to do the things we want to. It is a blessing that there are health practitioners to help us come back into balance physically, and when someone is not feeling well, I encourage them to first check it out physically with people trained to assist the physical body: medical doctors, chiropractors, body workers, nutritionists, and so on. And, of course, who you go to, and if you go to anyone, is always your choice.Through it all, remember to love yourself and all that happens to you. Love those parts of your body that are not as healthy as you would like them to be. Then, whether or not the situation changes, you will be loving, and that is a fine place to be.

Q: How can I protect myself from a polluted physical environment?

J-R: The best thing to do is to keep a Light consciousness present at all times. It’s the best filter there is. Put a shield of Light around you that will filter all the elements coming into you. Bless what you eat and drink, and place the Light with it. Keeping the Light present on all things will be your best protection. When you have a Light attunement, you can put the Light on everything and help transmute it.

Q: I’ve had low energy recently. Do you have any suggestions?

J-R: If you think too much about that which is negative, you’re likely to create that. So keep your thoughts focused towards the positive and keep your energy flowing upward. You might also want to check out your diet (physical, mental, and emotional), not only to see what you’re eating but also to see what’s “eating you.” And, of course, a medical check-up may turn up certain physical factors that might contribute to a feeling of low energy.

Q: There are some people in MSIA who are health practitioners (or they do things like numerology , astrology , or readings). Because they are in MSIA, does MSIA endorse what they do?

J-R: No. MSIA does not endorse the personal things done by people in MSIA, nor do we condemn them. People do what they do, and it is their life.

Q: I am going to be given general anesthesia when I have surgery. Is there an affirmation or something I can tell myself as I am “going under”?

J-R: You could say, “I accept the spirit of love in my heart.”

Q: How does diet affect spirituality?

J-R: Spiritually, it matters very little what you eat, how much you eat, if you fast, if you drink only liquids, or if you do any other diet variation. These are physical patterns that do not determine whether or not you will see the face of God. If one type of diet makes you feel more comfortable than another while you are on your way to God, then it is working for you and it’s the one to follow. If you find that it ceases to work for you, if it begins to look like a detour or a maze with a dead end, then it is no longer working for you, and it is probably time to change. Only you can know for sure what is and is not working for you. Let that be your guide.

Q: How does it help to bless food before eating?

J-R: Praying over food before you eat it, when you are in the Spirit, spiritualizes food. The Spirit comes through your eyes, your mouth, your hands. If you pray over food just because that is the thing to do, you might just as well twirl your finger in the air; it does nothing because you are not in the Spirit. Anytime you are in the Spirit—and you know that because there is joy present and a feeling of being in God—anything you touch becomes spiritual, even other people.

Q: What do you think about fasting?

J-R: It’s up to you, in conjunction with your health practitioners, to decide whether to fast and, if you do, how to do it. I do know that when we go to sleep at night, almost everyone at some time or another travels into the Spirit and gains the spiritual energy and brings it back into the body. Then we come back into the body and can get out of bed in the morning. The food we eat does not have enough nutrients to keep us going, but the Spirit comes in and activates the nutrients of the food when we live in the Spirit, and that happens whether or not we are aware of it. In the Bible, it talks about people fasting for forty days. What did they live on? Spirit. The spiritualized food is utilized for our spiritual advancement.

Q: Does the use of recreational drugs have any effect on a person’s initiation and ministry or on their connection with the Traveler?

J-R: Using recreational drugs does effect a person’s connection with the Traveler in that the Traveler backs off from the person in order to allow them to have the experience they chose, as well as the effects of it. When a person stops using drugs, there is a greater opening for the Traveler to be with them if that’s what the person wants.
When a person uses a recreational drug, the initiatory and ministerial energies are often disrupted or diminished, and the initiatory tone usually is weakened or goes inactive because of the drug use. Doing s.e.’s with devotion is the way to strengthen or reactivate the initiatory tone, plus stopping the use of recreational drugs, of course. It can also be very helpful to get an aura balance because the energy of drugs can stay in the aura even after a person has stopped using them.

Q: I was around someone who was smoking marijuana. Does that have an effect on me?

J-R: The information about “secondary smoke” applies to marijuana as well as to tobacco. I wouldn’t be in areas where I could inhale secondary marijuana smoke.

Q: Can I pick up negativity just by being in a house where drugs are used?

J-R: You could pick up negativity in that situation, but it’s not always necessarily so. Negative entities can be around where drugs are used, since that energy is hospitable to them.

Q: How can I visit my friend, who smokes marijuana in his house, and not pick up negativity?

J-R: You can use the Light for protection. For me, I’d be selective and discerning when I visited this person, if I visited at all.

Q: My doctor has prescribed a tranquilizer for me, but I hesitate to take it because I know what you say about drug use.

J-R: Taking a drug prescribed by a licensed doctor is different from using a drug recreationally. Taking the prescribed drug may interfere with your awareness of what is happening on the spiritual levels, but it will not interfere with the Traveler’s spiritual work with you; that continues. But an initiate who uses recreational drugs may find that their initiation tone weakens or goes inactive. (Since the book was published, J-R has shared about using or selling legalized marijuana: It is not spiritually clear to use or sell marijuana. As always, people are free to do as they choose, and they also deal with the consequences of all their choices. In MSIA, we encourage people to choose wisely.)

Q: Lately my focus has been diet, balance, and learning more about the physical cause of addictions such as alcohol, sugar, and caffeine. Can addictions to these things affect a person’s awareness of the Divinity?

J-R: Some addictions (e.g., sugar and caffeine) have a physical component, of course, and their addictive qualities go more into the psychological area. Guilt or self-judgment over them would do more to affect a person’s awareness of the Divinity than the actual addiction or substance itself. Other addictions such as alcohol and drugs are different in their effects and can have an effect on a person’s awareness of the Divinity.

Q: I’ve been working to heal and love myself, but instead of improving, I have become ill with a heart condition. I am seeing a medical doctor for this, and I wanted you to know so you can send me the Light. I am embarrassed to tell you this, because I should know better. You have taught us so well how we are creators, and here I am creating such negativity in my body, as if I haven’t been such a good student. Please help me understand this illness, why I have it, the lessons in it, and how to use it to get back to the heart of God with you.

J-R: Illnesses in the body can be from the current life and/or from past existences. There are a lot of factors involved. It’s usually not as important to ask why an illness is manifesting as it is to “come present with it.” This means to look at it without judgment. Of course you don’t want to be ill, but judging the illness or yourself doesn’t help. An illness will often bring out areas of judgment—maybe hundreds of times a day. It’s easy to get caught up in those thoughts, and that’s the time for loving and forgiveness . If you can see this illness as an opportunity to love more, you are shifting your focus to the positive. And, of course, keep checking things out with doctors and other health practitioners.

Taking care of yourself is loving yourself. You release the downward flow of energy and circulate it back up again. Experience the devotion to yourself that allows you to take care of yourself.The living water is the Soul. The living food is the Soul. The living breath is the Soul. God lives inside of you as you, and your body is the temple in which resides the magnificence of God.

Health Gems

This whole world boils down to one word—energy—and it is used either for you or against you.

Take good care of yourself; that’s another way to love yourself. Eat good foods. Exercise . Do those things which keep you healthy. Put your physical choices and activities in a higher perspective so you see them as opportunities to love yourself more fully.

You can take the sacred tone and channel it through your body—very specifically through the blood stream, the nerve endings, the muscles, the organs, etc. You can observe the body and the systems of the body as you travel with the tone. You can see those things that are in need of healing and balance and use the tone to alter the energies and bring balance and healing as you go along.

By overeating, you get more of the energy that comes from the lower levels of life. This mixes with the spiritual energy, but they are not really compatible. There is no way to express that mix because a certain type of inactivity, or inertia, from overeating and doing nothing sets in. Or you may become mentally dulled and fall into a state of mental exhaustion.

It’s beautiful when a family sits down together to eat and to hold hands around the table and chant either inwardly or outwardly. The food becomes so pure it almost lifts up from the table.

If you’re thin but obsessed by your fear of being overweight, you’re not free. You’re bound and controlled by your eating patterns. You have freedom towards eating when you know the dynamics of your attitudes towards food, your eating habits, and your intake. You evaluate it all and demonstrate that you can eat to maintain the physical body rather than to pursue sensual pleasure. You’re free. You can get up and walk away from the table any time you choose. You’re not controlled by the food or your attitude towards it.

It’s hard to understand why anyone would want to deal in such false images as drugs when, by tuning to the true self, they can feel such bliss.

John-Roger has traveled the world for over 40 years guiding people to find the Spirit within themselves: teaching how to live a healthy, loving, peaceful and rewarding life. A NY Times #1 Bestselling Author with now over 55 publications to his name, John-Roger has given over 6,000 seminars, all with the focus of Soul Transcendence: "becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality". Many of these videos are currently available for free as iTunes Podcasts:

John-Roger is returning to London this September for a series of events -- including two FREE events and the official preview of his upcoming feature length documentary 'Mystical Traveler - The Life and Times of John-Roger' - tickets only £6.

The Way Out Book Event with John-Roger* (FREE)
Workshop & Booksigning with Afternoon Tea - More Info
Saturday September 22nd 2pm - 5pm

John-Roger Video Seminar Marathon (FREE)
Spiritual teachings and insight - join us for one or all seminars - More Info
Saturday September 29th 9am - 6pm

"Mystical Traveler - The Life & Times of John-Roger" Sneak Preview (£6)
The feature length documentary @ The Prince Charles Cinema - More Info
Saturday September 29th 7:30pm

For more information or to register for events: or email

Author's Bio: 

Dr. John-Roger has traveled the world for over 40 years guiding people to find the Spirit within themselves: teaching how to live a healthy, loving, peaceful and rewarding life. A NY Times #1 Bestselling Author with now over 55 publications to his name, John-Roger has given over 6,000 seminars, all with the focus of Soul Transcendence: "becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality". Many of these videos are currently available for free as iTunes Podcasts: .