If you or a loved one is experiencing negative thoughts and behaviors as a result of self-hatred then you can experience healing rejection and overcoming self-hatred through applying Christian principles. This article provides insight into the connection between various illnesses, behaviors, and thought patterns connected with self-hatred and the inability to love oneself.

Christian ministries provide insight for healing rejection and overcoming self hatred. These dangerous behaviors are affecting many people including children, teenagers, and adults. Many unhealthy choices are often connected to these dangerous spiritual strongholds including: overeating, cutting, bulimia, etc. In addition to these unhealthy behaviors, on the physical responses can also occur including: diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and other autoimmune diseases. Addressing these issues must be done from a spiritual perspective. Unhealthy emotions create heart ache and destruction for individuals and families while they create a barrier between the individual experiencing them and God. This barrier is created by sin. Overcoming and healing rejection is essential for living a lifestyle of freedom and victory. The word of God tells us to love others as we love ourselves. We must first love ourselves in order to love others. Online ministries provide insight into breaking free from these harmful and hateful emotions against our own selves.

The online Christian ministries provide tools for overcoming self hatred and healing rejection including a work book entitled, “Matters of the Heart”. The love of God is expressed through Jesus Christ alone. Jesus gave his life for you and I, as He hung on the cross He gave His life freely. We must receive the health and healing provided through the cross with open arms. If we are filled with bitterness and resentment against our own selves then our arms are not open to the love of God. Ultimately life-threatening disease such as autoimmune disease can bring a breakdown in our cellular structure due to a root cause of self-hatred. This unhealthy bondage is often created and passed down through the blood line while we are still in our mother’s womb. Go online to learn more about renouncing these generational ties and breaking the strong holds once and for all. All sin lost its power when Jesus took on our sin, paid the price, and arose again victoriously. Jesus Christ became a curse for us because he was hung on the tree. Jesus took the ultimate curse and punishment for generational sin on himself. He then overcame the curse and gave us the authority to stand against it. There is no sickness, there is no addiction , and there is no emotional heart ache that can stand in the way of the love of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is our ultimate King and everything we need is provided for in Him.

Online Christian ministries share insight into health and healing available for our emotions and every area of our lives. We are to protect our thought life and think things that are true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. (Philippians 4:8) Toxic emotions result in chemical imbalances in our systems, which result in sickness. It is crucial that we experience healing rejection and overcoming self-hatred through the application of the word of God. Perhaps you or someone you love is experiencing the heart ache and sickness or compulsive behaviors often associated with self-hatred such as: autoimmune disease, cutting, anorexia, suicidal thoughts, etc. If this is true, then you can obtain assistance through online Christian ministries who specialize in healing rejection and overcoming self-hatred.

Author's Bio: 

Healing Streams is a trusted source for healing addictions and overcoming addictions as a Christian.