As the author of your life script, you are responsible for consciously writing a new story. This ritual declares both to the world and to yourself, This old chapter is ending. A new chapter is beginning. This ritual is designed to put a big The End on your old story. You’ve paid your dues. It’s time to heal.

First you will need to find a place in a natural environment near your home where you can be alone and free from distractions. The ideal spot is next to an ocean or on a lake shore. Other possibilities include a mountain ridge, the banks of a river, or the edge of a meadow or forest. The essential thing is to find an open space where you can be alone with your thoughts and feelings without having to worry about someone observing you.

When you’ve decided on a natural environment that feels comfortable to you, set aside a couple of hours so that you can fully focus your attention on the release ritual.

The Ritual

Sit quietly with your eyes closed for a few minutes, absorbing the sounds, sensations, and fragrances that surround you. Once you are confident that you have chosen the appropriate space, gather up at least fourteen rocks or stones. These will serve as your releasing vehicles.

Now stand at the edge of the ocean, lake, or meadow with your eyes closed, holding the first rock to your heart. Bring into your awareness the first sutra that encapsulates an emotionally painful experience. Allow the story to play again in your awareness, while holding the intention to “load” the rock with your painful feelings. This will usually takeabout ten minutes. The purpose of this step in the ritual is to separate the emotional charge from the facts of your story.

When you feel the rock is fully “charged,” throw it away from you with all the force you can muster. Scream, shout, or swear at the top of your lungs to support the cathartic release of the emotional ama you’ve been carrying. The only restriction in this exercise is to be certain that you do not harm yourself.

After you have released the first rock, center yourself in your heart and be present with your emotions. If tears rise to the surface, allow them to flow without resistance. When you feel that you have come back to your center, bring into your awareness the sutra that captures the essence of the second painful experience you have accessed. Hold another rock to your heart and repeat the process, replaying the painful scenario on the screen of your mind while “charging” the rock with your distressing feelings. After about ten minutes of telling yourself the story, heave the rock into the ocean, canyon, or wherever you happen to be, using your body and voice to release.

Continue the ritual until you have processed all seven of your most painful experiences. Most people find that there is diminishing charge as they move down the list. Still, do not short-circuit the process by thinking, Okay, I get it, and then simply tossing away the remaining stones. In order to experience maximum relief, you must perform the whole ritual for each memory, even if it requires stretching beyond your comfort zone. Don’t shortchange yourself! This is your opportunity to claim your emotional freedom.

David Simon, M.D. is the Co- Founder, CEO and Medical Director of the Chopra Center for Wellbeing. Dr. Simon is dedicated to catalyzing the evolution of the prevailing health care system into a healing system that encompasses the emotional, spiritual as well as physical health of the individual. His new book Free to Love, Free to Heal: Heal Your Body by Healing Your Emotions comes out on June 25, 2009.

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