We are well aware that fruits & vegetables sold in the market contain a heavy amount of the pesticides that are sprayed on them to protect them. But are they protecting us or destroying us? So in the latest studies and practices, organic farming has gained importance.

Organic food comes from organic gardening is an excellent way to make sure that your family is getting the best produce free of pesticides. All the essential vitamins and minerals that are required for the human body are present in fruits and vegetables, thus it is important to eat the organic food so that those vitamins and minerals are affected and are absorbed by our body in its purest form. You can try organic farming at your own by building kitchen gardens or buy only organic foods from the market.

Using compost to feed your crops is the method being widely used nowadays. To grow organic food, organic gardening is a must. In organic gardening, compost is necessary for the survival of your plants. A home compost pile is a great, inexpensive source of compost. Many food scraps, grass, and dry leaves can be used in your compost. However, avoid cooked foods, ash, and animal waste in an organic compost pile.

Watering organic garden with collected rainwater is a great way. Rainwater is more pure and better for plants than home tap water because it won't contain chemicals such as chlorine or fluoride. Using rainwater also helps in reducing your overall water usage. Rainwater can even be stored in barrels or cisterns to be used during dry spells.

Companion planting(cabbage with tomatoes) helps reduce the problems with insect pests, as it attracts natural pest-controlling wildlife.

Use mulch to fertilize your beds. You have to make sure you spread mulch evenly, as you need a certain quantity and do not want to waste any of it. Sprinkle mulch as best as you can and use a rack to spread it flatly and evenly. Make sure you cover all the areas that need it.

Plant synergistically. To naturally repel pests, plant marigolds near nematode-sensitive crops like tomatoes and potatoes. To improve growth, plant legumes near plants that can benefit from the nitrogen they produce. Intersperse pungent plants like herbs and onions, whose scent can repel bugs and animals, with other unscented vegetables.

Now is the time for switching to either organic gardening or find a food distributor with organic foods to stay and live healthier.

Author's Bio: 

Organic food! comes from organic gardening is an excellent way to make sure that your family is getting the best produce free of pesticides. All the essential vitamins and minerals that are required for the human body are present in fruits and vegetables, thus it is important to eat the organic food so that those vitamins and minerals are affected and are absorbed by our body in its purest form. You can try organic farming at your own by building kitchen gardens or buy only organic foods from the market.