Learning some effective article marketing tips should really be a component of any marketing method. A great way is to plan what you're going to write before you start off. No doubt you've carried out some keyword research and you should have a list of about 5 keyword phrases.

They should include some long tail keyword phrases that you can use as a basis for your articles. You can then write two articles for each and every keyword phrase you come up with. Over the next couple of weeks you can submit those articles to the best article directories

Great Article Marketing Tips

The Google Panda/Farmer update did have a damaging impact on some article publication sites but the ones that suffered most had been article directory websites that allowed low good quality content. That is why you should concentrate on the higher quality article directories.

A lot of people say that article marketing is not worth the effort now. However, it’s taken for granted that you'll be able to write good articles about your selected subject that is appealing and helpful to an individual. Provide value and relevancy.

The article must be formatted in a way the writing leads individuals down to the foot of the article where your author’s bio box is located. Your bio box or resource box will feature links to a relevant lead capture page on your web site where the readers can click for a lot more information or to purchase your product.

Using these article marketing tips will also serve yet another function. It'll give you back links to your web site which will likely be essential for moving your web site up the Google rankings. The better your article content material is, the likelier it is that more people will read it and click through to your website.

Produce an awesome article and that article itself might just be ranked highly by Google bringing you a great deal much more traffic and back links. It may be somewhat tougher to accomplish a high Google ranking today but it’s not unfeasible.

The Best Approach

The first thing to do is to submit your articles to article directory sites. Some of these sites may take up to 5 days to approve your article but plenty of times it’s much less. They'll always be the top article directory due to this approval method.

Make sure you write articles that are beneficial and intriguing with good grammar and punctuation. Do not make your article an advertisement for your product as most sites are not going to approve it.

Your article should be constructed so that it clearly shows the benefits of your product with out identifying it. A great strategy is to write your article in a way that it addresses and answers a concern. You can write an article about how your item resolved a problem. Make it beneficial.

When your article qualifies you ought to tweak a few of the words in it to ensure that each and every time you submit to other article directory sites it will become unique for them. Choose from the leading article directories only.

Use Your Bio Box Effectively

Your bio or resource box is where you put your links to your site and encourage your readers to click on the link. Get them moving to the end by adding call to action words like “read much more” about (whatever your product does).

The secret is to make your bio box flow from the body of your article. Do not speak excessively about your self (although it really is a Bio Box!) and ensure you lead the reader through to the proper page on your web site. This is normally a landing page or squeeze page.

Get Useful Back Links

Linking your content back to your article on article directories can give you the extra bonus of back links. Given that all the articles you might be distributing are on an identical topic this can be a benefit.

Assuming you've chosen your keywords well, using the in this article will assist you in ranking your articles on the front page of Google. This will give you far more exposure for your article and the product you are marketing.

Author's Bio: 

Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For advice and help on finding the best article marketing tips go to his website: www.WealthSuccessVentures.com . Act now and discover how to earn 100% commissions online by using a simple 3-step process that anyone can do... and it takes only a few minutes a day.