If you want to be a successful blogger or online entrepreneur, you need to ensure that you make use of good article marketing tips when crafting and publishing web articles. Article marketing refers to the use of well-written and informative articles to establish credibility in your area of expertise.

In this way you can attain a search engine presence that enhances the visibility of your website. Fortunately, by using the following tips, you can become more efficient in marketing your site using quality articles.

Create Well Structured Articles

If your articles have a good structure, they are more effective in terms of offering your customers valuable information. As such, ensure you make use of features such as sub-headings and bullet points to make the content in your writings clear, easily accessible and interesting.

Additionally, ensure that the keyword usage in your articles improves the structure of the articles. If you use relevant keywords properly, you can improve your visibility since your articles will appear first on your target users' browsers.

While structuring your article, make sure you use your main/primary keyword in the title to improve the chances of it appearing first when a user performs a search.

Watch Your Word Count and Use Attractive Title

Besides good structure, other good article marketing tips you ought to consider include making your titles attractive and identifying the right length for different types of articles. While crafting titles, consider using prefixes such as how to, why, top 5 and top 10.

Such prefixes are generally more effective in capturing the interest of readers. In terms of word count, a good length for a blog or website articles is between 300 and 1000 words.

If your articles are shorter than 300 words, it is difficult to build credibility with readers since you cannot communicate much information. On the other hand, articles that exceed 1000 words can easily bore reader.

Ensure Your Articles Contain Useful Information

If you are looking for good article marketing tips, you can start by ensuring that all your articles offer your readers actionable information. In the opening line of any article, ensure you narrow down on the focus of your article.

Readers will then know that your article contains the right content that can answer their questions. Moreover, ensure that the body of your article offers valuable instructions or advice and make sure that you do not deviate from the tone you set in the title and opening paragraph.

Back Link Your Articles

Once you write quality articles, ensure you use other good article marketing tips such as back linking your articles in order to achieve your goal of improving your site's visibility. After you publish your articles on your site, you can start using these articles more efficiently by publishing them on other websites using back links.

Back linking involves posting the URL of the articles on your site on other authoritative websites that offer related content. By doing so, you can improve your visibility and drive more traffic to your website.


The use of good article marketing tips while designing an advertising strategy for your website is one of the most effective ways of boosting online traffic and the credibility of a website.

Author's Bio: 

Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice and to discover more about good article marketing tips , go to his website: Wealth Success Ventures . Act now and discover how average people are achieving extraordinary results online by cashing in on the DIGITAL gold rush!