Article Title: God and Formula One: 'Beyond the Zone' (A New Book) Submitted by: Craig Lock
Category (tags/key words): God, Spirit, motor racing, Grand Prix drivers, champions, Ayrton Senna, faith, religious faith, mind, mind-power, the zone, ‘in the zone’, ‘beyond the zone’, empowerment, religion (enough there now, craig!)

Web sites : and

Craig’s motor racing blogs are at and
The submitter's other blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at

Other Articles are available at: and
(Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig)

Publishing Guidelines:

We hope that the following article may be informative and helpful to your e-zine readers, or on your web site. This piece (as with all my writings) may be freely reproduced electronically or in print, with acknowledgment to the source, please. If it helps and/or encourages others "out there" on the 'amazing journey of life', then we're very happy.

"We share what we know, so that we all may grow."



Published BEFORE it’s been written!

“If you have God on your side, everything becomes clear.”- Ayrton Senna

A look into the spirituality of Grand Prix drivers, their “religious” beliefs - what faith means to them and what part it plays in their successes, their failures… and in their lives.

"I am able to experience God's presence on earth. If I go to church, I go on my own and I like to be there alone. I find more peace that way."

- Ayrton Senna

* From 'The Death of Ayrton Senna' by Richard Williams

(Publisher Viking, Part of the Penguin Group, first published 1995)

"Ayrton has a small problem. He thinks he can't kill himself, because he believes in God... and I think that's very dangerous for the other drivers."

- Alain Prost on his great rival, Ayrton Senna

from 'FORMULA 1: The Autobiography'

Edited by Gerald Donaldson (and first published in the UK in 2002 by Wedenfeld and Nicolson). Thanks for the great gift, dad.

"The Zone could simply be a gateway to the divine, one of God's methods of reminding us of His - and our- glorious power. Omnipresence means that power must be everywhere, everytime. Including the racetracks. Including today."

- Clyde Brolin writing in his great book ‘Overdrive: Formula One in the Zone’

“I see the human being is an incredible machine, totally undiscovered in many ways. Every one of us has a hidden tank of energy that comes out when it is needed.”

- Alex Zanardi (former F1 and Indycar driver, who lost both legs in a horrific accident in Germany in 2001)


"There are only three sports : bullfighting, mountain climbing and motor racing; all the rest are merely games."

- Ernest Hemingway

“Grand Prix racing is primarily a mental contest… it’s a battle of strength of wills by the combatants and a magnificent contest, the arena to display and share unique gifts and talents. Perhaps in this ‘theatre of speed’, F1 is a metaphor for life itself”- craig lock

Key words (tags): God, Spirit, motor racing, champions, Ayrton Senna, faith, religious faith, mind, mind-power, the zone, ‘in the zone’, ‘beyond the zone’, empowerment, religion (enough there now, craig!)


Published BEFORE it’s been written!

Seed of idea and title for book: 1.32 pm on 25th August 2011

New Zealand time (NZt)

Finished uploading (to Amazon) 1.36 pm on 25th August 2011

Published by Amazon 25th August 2011

HOWZAT! (oops, sorry the books not about cricket!)

Who says "work" (writing and publishing and especially writing about the “very serious” subject of God and spirituality can't be FUN (great) !!!



I just had this idea a minute ago (just “popped/flew into my little head”), so will write and post up at Amazon. In the meantime, if anyone is interested in my writings to date on this "airey-fairey" spiritual manuscript, they can email me at

I've been fascinated by the overlap between the human mind and spirituality for over two decades... and the Ultimate Source, God I feel is "leading" me to write and share this manuscript, yet another "true labour of love" ("Crazy" or perhaps not!!!). At least I believe so … but then perhaps it’s just me and my intuition /will/choice. We’ll see!

No matter, so better start writing then… or as my dear mother used to say “get cracking/weaving”…

“totally impulsive” craig

25th October in the year 2011

"The greatest mountain we need to climb lies in our own minds". It's not the highest mountain that we conquer, but ourselves, our own mentality. Overcoming perceived limits to reach (attain) the pinnacle of our own minds."

- craig (as inspired by the words of Sir Edmund Hillary, conquerer of Mount Everest (1919-2008)

"Aim at heaven and you'll have earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you'll hit neither."- CS Lewis, English poet, essayist and novelist

“Whenever (or perhaps rather ‘ if ever’) you arrive in heaven, let faith , hope and love be the wings that carried you there.”

- craig (as adapted from the words of Jonathan Edwards, a former minister in Massachusetts (New England)

Don’t worry about the world ending’s already tomorrow in “little scenic and tranquil” New Zealand

Rugby World Cup winners 2011

"To beat the All Blacks, you have to close your eyes and, depending on your religion , pray and hope that the good Lord will come to your assistance." - French star rugby player, Jean-Pierre Rives, who played in the 24-19 victory in New Zealand in 1979

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”

- Hebrews 12:1

Writing here in under the hot Kiwi sun about God and FI (“in the zone”).

Heaven…for me at least!


“Grand Prix racing is primarily a mental contest… it’s a battle of strength
of wills by the combatants and a magnificent contest, the arena to displayand share unique gifts and talents. Perhaps in this 'theatre of speed' F1 is a metaphor for life itself”
- craig

Author's Bio: 

About the submitter:Craig is a motor racing "fanatic" ( a petrol-head"), who believes in (and loves) helping others to find their passions and gifts... through encouraging people to reach out for, then accomplish their "wildest" dreams. He truly believes people can overcome obstacles, rise to any occasion, and accomplish their dreams, even 'Endless Possibilities, Far and Great Horizons' in life with enough FAITH and PERSISTENCE.

Craig is currently "working" on a new manuscript 'Inside the Mind of a Grand Prix Champion’, which forms part of true and inspirational stories of 'Endless Possibilities: Let the Journey Begin' ... as well as ‘Driven: Grand Prix Driving on the Edge’ and ‘God and Formula One: Beyond the Zone’ (available at )

Obsessive or WHAT!

The various books that Craig "felt inspired to write" (including 'God and Formula One , as well as the above books) are available at:

Craig’s motor racing blogs are at and

The submitter's other blogs (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) are at

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