If you are interested in Carbon Copy Pro then following information may answer some of the questions you may have about the business. Carbon Copy Pro originated as a funded proposal system. Funded proposal systems are often used by network and internet marketers to capture leads and convert sales. Utilizing a funded proposal system properly can actually be quite effective.

What is a Funded Proposal System?

Regardless of the business an individual is trying to promote, they have a need to increase their exposure. The fact is, a market exists for almost all products, services, and even business opportunities . If you can learn to properly manage a funded proposal system, many of the headaches associated with newbie internet marketers can be alleviated. A funded proposal system is essentially a service the simplifies the online business building process.

Interestingly enough, Carbon Copy Pro has adopted even more services and products into their internet marketing arsenal. It is apparent that the aim of the company is to become a one-stop superstore for internet marketing necessities. In addition to the pre-designed web and capture pages provided to it's members initially, the company now offers written content like articles and press releases.

The possibility of making money on the internet is not a big secret. Everyday, more and more people are learning about this relatively new entrepreneurial opportunity. It is truly incredible to consider the amount of progressive changes the internet has allowed. Because awareness has increased, there is a fast growing market for the tools necessary to succeed in online marketing. Carbon Copy Pro is definitely a quality product that is taking full notice of an advantageous market.

The Merger with The Six Figure Mentors

Carbon Copy Pro is now associated with a larger organization called Pro U. In November of 2012, Pro U merged with The Six Figure Mentors. This combination makes the new organization one of the largest online entrepreneur communities today. This new alliance plans to connect, support, motivate, and help individual's who share a drive for entrepreneurship.

If anything, this alliance clearly strengthens the appeal and value of Carbon Copy Pro. This merger isn't a typical example of a struggling company being absorbed by another. Both of these companies have enjoyed recent success and plan on continuing their streak of good luck by combining their products and services to make an increasingly marketable company. Only time will tell if this is a match made in heaven. As of now, this Carbon Copy Pro merger seems ideal for all parties involved.

The Merger: Offering Real Value?

To understand why Carbon Copy Pro is effective, let's consider the network marketing model on the internet. The possibility of success in network marketing has been proven over and over again. Despite what you're told at your first meeting, success in this field requires that you actually learn how to market. For a price, Carbon Copy Pro offers you the tools and training necessary to build a successful marketing business online. By using the Carbon Copy Pro funded proposal system and more, you can learn to funnel those in your target market directly to you.

Author's Bio: 

Merv Stevens works in Internet and Network Marketing. For tips and advice to help you learn more about companies like Carbon Copy Pro go to his blog: Wealth Success Ventures . Act now and discover how average people are achieving extraordinary results online by cashing in on the DIGITAL gold rush!