Constipation is the difficulty in the evacuation process which can happen to any person or children too. The digestive tract is disturbed which hinders the normal bowel movement. It can be hard stool for some which are difficult to get out and sometimes the infrequent elimination of stool.

Cause of constipation can be lack of fiber in the body, decreased quantity of water in the body, having very strong tea or coffee, lack of physical activity, intake of excess liquors and animal protein, any kind of intestine problem, wrong eating habits on wrong time etc.

Treatment for constipation

Before starting any treatment you must be aware of its symptoms so that the constipation is cured properly. The symptoms include difficulty in excreting faceas, loss of appetite, nausea, foul smell, ulcers in mouth and a kind of heaviness is felt in abdomen etc.

The treatment of constipation includes some changes in the diet and lifestyle. These are explains as follows:

Include fiber in your diet like fresh fruits and vegetables, papaya, oranges, cabbage, asparagus, green leafy vegetables, corn etc.Eat only fresh cooked foods and avoid eating yesterday vegetables. Add spices cumin, coriander, turmeric, asafoetida etc.The food that you eat must be chewed properly so that it can get digested easily. Whole grain cereal should be taken instead of refined ones. You can eat oats, barley or bran in the breakfast. You should totally avoid taking refined flour, on-brown bread, oily foods, cakes etc as they ten to increase constipation problems. Mango and banana are very good fruits that eases the constipation problem. Dried peaches when taken with milk are equally effective

Increase the intake of water as much as you can as you need at least eight to ten glasses of water in a day. The bowel will soften by drinking water. Drinking warm water mixed with lemon juice empty stomach is very good for the relief from constipation. Water stored in a metallic container overnight when taken in the morning is very good to get rid of constipation. You can have warm water at night also. Make a habit of bowel evacuation in the morning only.

Make any kind of physical activity or exercise a part of your life. Avoid taking liquor and quit smoking if you are habitual to it.Triphala, a famous Indian herb when taken at night with milk will surely solve your problem of constipation. One more herbal laxative is sat isabgol which should be taken at night with milk. The timing of the food should be fixed. You should not unnecessary delay or taken early the lunch and dinner as it hinder the process of bowel movement.

Laxatives: The laxatives should be used only when the herbal treatment is not giving results as taking laxatives will make a permanent side effect that is you will become dependent on it. Various typed of laxatives are available in the market. You should take milk of magnesia initially as it is very good for the treatment of constipation. For children, polyethylene glycol is good for the relief from constipation.

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