Planting and maintaining a garden is a great stress buster when it is pursued as a hobby. Gardening in itself is an enriching experience whether it be a small patio you are tending to or a large yard. The end result of having a blooming and colorful garden is a reward but the journey in itself is great fun.

Here are some reasons why gardening can help you beat stress

A Chance To Be With Nature

Living in a generation which is obsessed with indoors and cubicles, it can get quite difficult to find the time to be one with nature. People in general feel relaxed in open surroundings. Gardening can easily be an interesting excuse to spend time with nature. Just looking at all the greenery around you can be soothing to the soul. Several gardeners talk about the peace of mind they achieve while gardening.

Giving Vent To Creativity

Humans are naturally creative. Routine and monotonous jobs can sap our creative instincts. So it is all the more important to have a hobby that lets you express your creativity . Arranging your garden, decorating it and adding aesthetic elements can be a creatively rewarding experience. Feel free to let your mind run free and create the garden design of your choice – it can be formal, casual or completely eccentric as long as it stems from your creativity .

Exposure to Ample Sunlight

Sunshine is an important necessity for survival. Most diseases of the skin stem from lack of adequate exposure to sunlight. It is most healthy to get a few hours of sunlight everyday and gardening provides you with just that. Most gardeners spend an hour each morning watering their plants which allows them exposure to morning sun. Research has proven that sunlight helps in relaxation and in uplifting moods, not to mention the added benefit of imbibing Vitamin D.

A Spiritual Experience

Gardening can well be a spiritual experience. Have you heard of Zen Gardens? There is a certain peace and presence which can be felt among plants. They live their lives in a calm and silent manner, and being in their midst can help us tune into their stillness. Many enlightened teachers ask us to practice watching a flower. Watching a new life emerge from a seed and develop into a beautiful plant, can be an enlightening experience as it shows us the simple miracles of nature. A garden is also a great place to meditate.

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You can learn several tips and techniques of gardening at . You will learn and improve with experience. Always try to keep things as simple as possible, just start small and enjoy the journey.