Article Title: Gandhi's Legacy of Non-Violence

Author Craig Lock
Category/Key words/ Tags: Gandhi, Mahatma (Mohandas) Gandhi, Peace, Peacemaking, Leadership, Inspiration, "Inspirational Writings", India, Spiritual Growth , Spiritual (stop - enough there now)
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(Personal growth, self help , writing, internet marketing, spiritual, 'spiritual writings' (how 'airey-fairey'), words of inspiration and money management, how boring now, craig

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All my articles may be freely published, electronically or in print. If they make a difference in people's lives by encouraging or bringing some joy, then we're very happy.
"We share what we know, so that we all may grow"


“Those who stand up for justice will always be on the right side of history.”- Dr Martin Luther-King, Jnr

"Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics, don't know what religion is."
- Mahatma Gandhi

For people around the world, to this day, the name of Mahatma (or Mohandas) Gandhi remains a highly significant symbol for peace and a powerful force against oppression. It was over a century ago on September 11th (a highly significant date) that Mahandas Gandhi, an attorney launched his 'satyagraha' (which literally means 'pursuit of truth or truth force') campaign of non-violent resistance to racial injustice in Johannesburg, South Africa. Gandhi advocated "truth force" and full-scale passive resistance in conflict resolution . Gandhi was prepared to go to jail, rather than submit to racial laws based on injustice. His total commitment ("better to die than submit to such a law...victory or death ") impacted and inspired many great leaders in the years to follow. (Gandhi was largely influenced by the literal meaning of the Muslim word 'jihad' ( = total commitment ), yet in his original policy/strategy of non-violence).

His mission accomplished, on Gandhi's return to India from South Africa, a relative of anti-apartheid activist Fatima Meer said:

"The saint has left our shores."

"You gave us Gandhi, but we gave you 'Mahatma' ( = great soul)

- Nelson Mandela on his first visit to India after his release from imprisonment

Gandhi was hugely influenced by Christ's sermon on the Mount. He said: 'YOU have the power to create the world you want.' Gandhi did not say, 'I will be the change'; he said YOU be the change you want to see in the world. It all starts within.

Though many people may feel that Mahatma Gandhi's non-violent principles are no longer relevant, I believe these principles are more relevant than ever in today's very violent world. Sonia Gandhi, widow of the late Indian Prime Minister (and chair of the Indian Congress Party) on a recent visit to South Africa said that even international terrorism would only be defeated ultimately by non-violent means, which included addressing its underlying causes. If democracies must fight terrorism, they should do so by democratic means.

"Without worthy means, worthy ends can never be attained", she said, invoking the Mahatma's remark that: "There are many causes I am prepared to die for; but no causes I am prepared to kill for."

* I am reminded of something Dr Martin Luther King said not long before he was assassinated:

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible; but in the end, they always fall. Think of it, ALWAYS."

Gandhi understood perfectly that a simple, yet powerful idea could change the world....for the better!

"Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy of non-violence in the face of aggression is an enduring symbol of hope for leaders and grass-roots campaigners alike in defeating the growing number of hostile forces threatening the modern world."

- the words of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

Today, more than ever, we need the extraordinary generous spirit of Mahatma Gandhi to inhabit our entire world.

Shared by Craig Lock

"Those who say that religion has nothing to do with politics, don't know what religion is."

Gandhi's great spirit of inclusiveness is evident in his statement:

"I am a Hindu. I am also a Christian, a Muslim, A Buddhist and also a Jew."

"There are many causes I am prepared to die for; but no causes I am prepared to kill for."

- Mahatma Gandhi

"My life is my message."

- Mohandas Gandhi

"The task ahead of you can always be overcome by the power within you...and the often seemingly difficult or even "impassible") path ahead of you is never as steep with the great spirit that lies within you."

"We have it within; but we get it all from without. There is a well-spring of strength, wisdom , courage and great imagination within each one of us; but once we draw on this truth, it gets watered from without, by a Higher Source - the Ultimate Source of Life and Love, which is God, the very Ground of our Being."

"Our Greatest Good is perhaps not to share our material possessions, our money and 'riches' with others, but through faith in other people, to so lay the foundation to reveal the rich treasure that lies within themselves."

"I see no Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Jew... but simply and only a God-filled humanity."

- craig

Blessed are the peace -makers... because they'll inherit plenty of Frequent Flyer Points

What we believe is not nearly as important as how we relate, interact with each other... and how we live. Only when we can say, 'I am first and foremost a human being, and second a Jew, Muslim, Shi'ite, a Sunni, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, or a Sikh ...' will we progress and break down barriers between peoples, nations and cultures, east and west. Let not our beliefs , but our shared humanity (ALL of us) define who we really are. "

- craig

"Change YOUR world and you help change THE world... for the better.

Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, let's march into a brighter tomorrow."

This article may be freely published, electronically or in print )


Like Mohandas Gandhi, YOU can make a difference through shining YOUR unique bright light on humanity

Peace . it does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. it means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.”
- author unknown

Author's Bio: 

About the submitter:

Craig believes in (and loves) sharing information and insights to try to make some small difference in this world through attempting to break down barriers: to help and especially encourage people along life's magical journey to live their dreams and be all they can be... and that brings him the greatest joy. He truly believes in the great potential of people and their humanity to help make a more peaceful world.

The various books* that Craig "felt inspired to write" are available at and

* Hard copies and e-books - fiction and non-fiction: novels, self help, personal growth, inspiration, travel, humour and money books

Craig's blog (with extracts from his various writings: articles, books and new manuscripts) is at and `

"Change YOUR world and you help change THE world... for the better.

Together, one mind, one heart, one life at a time, let's march into a brighter tomorrow."