Harnessing the Universal Law of Attraction can be a challenge. When it works, it feels miraculous; and when it does not, it raises doubts and leaves us feeling frustrated. I believe there is a higher element to this “attractor factor.” I call it Flow: Once you set the intention, a power greater than yourself brings you what you want quickly and effortlessly. Obstacles seem to disappear in this alignment!

Recently, I had another opportunity to observe Flow in action. For several months, I felt the need to go on a spiritual retreat. My body and soul were asking me to take a giant step toward my healing after six months of turmoil and grief . I talked to people and explored places that might be appropriate. Nothing felt right. One morning I woke up from a dream in which I was at a retreat, and the word KRIPALU was repeatedly shouted inside my head. I said, “OK, I get it.” I jumped out of bed and went straight to the computer. I found the relevant course and presenter for me. I knew that the Kripalu retreat center in the Berkshires would do the rest. The next day, I booked it.

Once the arrangements were in place, I observed that a valuable life lesson was presenting itself: When we ask for something that is in alignment with our soul’s desire, a Higher Power takes over and brings it to us effortlessly. And…..it feels RIGHT!

Here are a few things you can do to attract your higher level intentions:

Set the intention with your mind and heart:
As you live with more authenticity and a desire to improve yourself, you will set intentions that reflect the values and desires of your “best self.” You can set an intention to find a new home or find a teacher who will help you heal. The Law of Attraction supports both the material and transformational. I notice that intentions that support your personal growth and life purpose manifest with ease and grace. The soul may just be waiting for you to ask the "right" question, so it can deliver the "right" answer. Are you willing to set intentions that lead to greater self-awareness and harmony?

Fuel the intention with high energy:
When you realize that you are part of a powerful creative energy source that naturally expresses itself in material reality, your perspective of what it takes to accomplish what you want changes: You begin to trust that you are working with a power greater than yourself, and together you manifest your intentions. A positive attitude lifts your emotions and raises your vibration—your “attractor factor.” An attitude of gratitude is one way to keep your creative energy high and fuel your intentions. Another is to acknowledge the sacredness of life every day. When you consistently feel full and blessed, you attract people, situations and possessions that reflect harmony and abundance .

Support the intention with purposeful action:You attract what you want with your intentions and creative energy, and you achieve outcomes through a specific plan of action that uses your personal resources wisely—attention, time, energy, money and people. After you set the intention from a place of high energy, you explore your options, develop a plan to get what you want, and take purposeful action steps. Basically, you implement great decision making skills and follow through. As you take risks and invest your personal resources, you create the stepping stones toward having what you want. The creative process involves being (holding the vision) and doing (making plans and taking actions). The last step is letting go of controlling the outcome.

Surrender the outcome to a Higher Power:Before you can let go of emotional attachment to outcomes, you must believe that a Higher Process is working with you to accomplish what you want. As you trust that you do not have to do everything yourself, you are aware of a “behind the scenes” force working with you. You will begin to trust the process more and control outcomes less. Unfortunately, when you do not get what you want exactly how you want it, doubt and frustration may creep in and block the creative flow. A few coping strategies might be: 1) you can choose to live “as if” you are being supported; 2) you can believe that all is working toward your greater good; or 3) you can remember the times when life seemed to be working in “divine right order.”

To bring more Flow into your life, set a high level intention, fuel the intention with a positive attitude , take purposeful action, and let go of controlling the outcome. As you make choices that are in alignment with your core truths and soul’s purpose, life flows with ease and takes you along for the ride. Life feels miraculous!

Author's Bio: 

Sandra Miniere, M.Ed., is a life and integrative wellness coach, certified Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner, Amazon best-selling author and speaker. She is a former holistic mental health counselor and has been helping people transform themselves and their lives for over 30 years. Her website is www.IntegrativeWellnessExpert.com