Free Book Stuff is Worth Millions to ME?

OK - who doesn't love free stuff?

The big question is: could free stuff really be of value to me?

Just because the gift giving season is over - doesn't mean your most favorite gifts have to stop coming to YOU!

Consider these three questions:

Is your New Years Dream to write your book - the one you keep telling people (including yourself) that you are going to write - but never do.

Well, this is the year to make it happen!

Take this FREE course from Lisa Tener at How To Write A Book ( ), and watch the magic happen. You will be transformed with tools to help you get the wisdom and creativity from your mind, to your hands, to your pages for your book.

Is your goal to grow in motivation, inner peace , or happiness ?

Get some FREE wisdom without having to buy a new book. Many authors offer free chapter download of their valuable tools. Get your free chapter of The Sky is Green and The Grass is Blue ( ), and watch your upside down world turn right side up!

Is your goal to get a task you have been putting off completed?

What about joining a teleconference group for free? You are not alone, and just like going to the baseball park to watch the game, instead of sitting alone home viewing it on TV, working with groups can give you energy to propel you to a higher level of achievement. Check out the FREE teleconferences offered by Cheryl Richardson ( ) and join the fun.

The world is big place, and there is an abundance of big, bold, beautiful ideas to discover.

What free stuff can you find today to give you a spiritual million?


Author's Bio: 

Deb Scott is a motivation and lifestyle consultant, specializing in working with business and corporate environments to transform poor interpersonal dynamics and low-energy groups into high-powered, successful, dynamic teams. A biology major in college, Deb became an award-winning sales and leadership specialist with 20 years of background in cardiac surgery sales. Now she applies her sales and business background to motivational speaking and consulting in the fields of sales, marketing, advertising, hiring, and teambuilding. “The Sky is Green and the Grass is Blue – Turning Your Upside-Down World Right-Side-Up!” is her first book. Learn more at