In this video (link below article), it was my intention to talk about three denominations I have held Youth Ministery positions in. Two of these (one Church of God & three Assemblies of God), I held various teaching positions in addition to teaching youth. The third denomination I talk about (Baptist), is where I found true, sincere salvation in Jesus Christ, and rededication to the Lord as well, - after a period of backsliding in my youth. My Youth Ministry, from years 1983 to 2001 was in the four Pentecostal churches but I greatly appreciate godly experiences that my family and I experienced in the Baptist church. Even after our children were grown, with families of their own, my wife and I had wonderful experiences in the Baptist Church.

I give some history about these three denominations (Baptist, Church of God & Assembly of God). I talk to some degree about both the good and not-so-good things that are occurring in these denominations as well as in other sects, divisions and denominational branch-offs of Christian faith/worship. My final point being that evangelical churches should predominantly be conveying the Gospel of Jesus Christ - being the principles of his death , burial and resurrection - shedding his blood for forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from the sin nature. This doesn't mean we do not teach on other scriptural doctrines, but Jesus must be glorified foremost. I end in a word of edification and joy in Our Precious Lord!

These Old Testament Scriptures below, by Isaiah, written approx. 800 years before Christ, prophetically describe Jesus' extreme physical persecution, as he was being prepared for crucifixion - his sacrifice to bring us salvation. - - -

Isaiah 50:6 “I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame and spitting.”

Isaiah 52:14 “As many were astonied at thee; his visage was so marred more than any man, and his form more than the sons of men:”


Author's Bio: 

I am a graduate of Liberty University (1996) for completion of theological studies (33 college credits), and I completed "Bible Survey" with Assemblies of God - Berean College. I consider myself a "Bapticostal" (a Baptist also having Pentecostal beliefs). Bible studies are one of my most-covered book subjects. I am, however, careful to only address those subjects I believe God has given me correct revelation on. I was a Christian Youth Minister, beginning in 1983 for approximately 18 years. During, between and after youth ministries I served in other church capacities as well, including interim pastoring and retirement home ministry. MOST IMPOTANTLY, I am a redeemed man, who has received salvation by acceptance of Jesus Christ (John 3:16) and what he did for me in shedding his blood and dying for me on the cross, and in his resurrection from the dead, giving me the promise of eternal life, purely by grace; not due to anything I have done, other than to accept it freely.