There are so many people out there with credit card debt , the latest statistics show that the average American has around $15k in credit card debt and there is about $2.41 trillion in unsecured consumer debt out there in the US.

Everybody has used a credit card at a certain point in their lives. Some people are very diligent with their credit cards, making sure that they payoff the balance or at least make their minimum payments at the end of every month, using their credit cards only for absolute emergencies. Then you have your serial shoppers with the mean shopping addictions, you know these people (hopefully you're not married to one), they swipe their credit card at every opportunity.

With the unemployment rate at around 10%, the volatile stock market, and the economy still on shaky ground there are a lot of people in the US that had to rely on their credit cards to cover their expenses. Regardless of how an individual got into their credit card troubles, the important thing to keep in mind is that there is no reason to panic, there is a whole industry of non-profit, free debt counseling places that meet the specific needs of those in credit card trouble.

Debt is a slippery slope, and now-a-days everybody is susceptible to fall behind and get in too deep with their obligations. A good debt counseling organization will go up to bat for you and negotiate with your creditors directly to lower your interest rate, waive your fees and lower your overall debt load.

Did you know that over 50% of all credit reports contain errors. A good debt counselor will also uncover mistakes on your credit report and take specific actions to get those mistakes corrected.

Debt can be an embarrassing situation for most people and that's why that there's a lot of focus in getting your debts resolved discreetly, making their customers feel comfortable and most good credit counseling organizations will take measures to make sure your information is secure.

Author's Bio: 

CCC is a non-profit credit counseling organization that has been helping consumers for over 20 years.