In real life, many men sometimes have symptoms of ejaculation pain in their normal sex life. Moreover, some will be accompanied by blood essence. But most people don't know what's going on and don't understand how much harm such symptoms will bring to them.

Men feel pain when ejaculating. Sometimes ejaculation will have blood filaments. Generally, many people will not pay attention to it. In fact, this is the general symptom of seminal vesiculitis. Seminal vesicle inflammation is the same as prostatitis. It is one of the leading infectious diseases of male genitalia. The disease usually occurs in men aged 20 to 40. Dropping white and blood essence is the main symptom of the disease.

In addition, the patient will also have some symptoms similar to prostatitis symptoms, such as the burning sensation of the urethra, frequent urination, the urgency of urination, the pain of urination, and hematuria. However, there are also acute and chronic differences, and each person's differences are relatively significant, so the symptoms are not the same.

Clinically, the common symptoms of seminal vesiculitis are as follows:

1. Blood in the semen: Blood in the semen refers to the appearance of blood filaments in the semen emitted by men, which will make the color of men's semen pink or red, and often with blood clots. It is a common and obvious phenomenon of seminal vesiculitis.

2. Abnormal urination: men with acute seminal vesiculitis will have urgent urination, painful urination, difficult urination, and burning sensation.

3. Physical pain: Most patients with acute seminal vesiculitis will also have lower abdominal pain, accompanied by perineum and bilateral inguinal pain. Patients with chronic seminal vesiculitis will have a dull pain in the suprapubic area and discomfort in the pudenda.

4. Other symptoms: some patients will have the symptoms of fever, fear of cold, and shivering, which is the systemic symptom of patients with acute seminal vesiculitis. Hematuria is also a symptom of acute seminal vesiculitis. The symptoms of patients with chronic seminal vesiculitis are pain during ejaculation, the gradual decline of sexual desire, spermatorrhea, decreased semen, and premature ejaculation.

Seminal vesiculitis may seriously affect the patient's sexual life, leading to premature ejaculation, impotence, and decreased sexual desire. Therefore, if men have blood essence, they must be careful. It is likely to have serious seminal vesiculitis.

Seminal vesiculitis generally uses anal digital diagnosis. Of course, the results of digital diagnosis should also be related to other symptoms. Abdominal pain is also a significant indication. Acute patients with lower abdominal pain can involve the perineum and groins, mainly manifested as severe pain in the perineum and rectum, aggravated pain during defecation, and severe pain during sexual intercourse.

Chronic patients showed dull pain in the suprapubic area, accompanied by perineal discomfort, especially during ejaculation. Some people will have low sexual desire, spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, and so on.

In addition to the above symptoms, patients can also confirm their condition by routine semen examination. A large number of red blood cells and white blood cells can be seen in semen examination. The bacterial culture of semen is positive. The number of white blood cells in the blood can be significantly increased in acute patients.

Patients with seminal vesiculitis can feel the fullness of the prostate area when they make an anal digital diagnosis. When patients conduct self-examination, they can feel great pain by slightly probing their fingers into the anus. In addition, gently press the lower abdomen, perineum, and suprapubic area. There will also be a pain.

Seminal vesiculitis is a high-risk disease for men aged 20-40. It is often easy to cause male infertility, so patients with seminal vesiculitis must be treated in time and thoroughly.

In the treatment of seminal vesiculitis, antibiotics are usually used. Antibiotic treatment is the most effective and primary method. If you are allergic to antibiotics or have resistance, you can use natural medicine with better penetration effect, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill .

It can eliminate symptoms and treat seminal vesiculitis with the effects of diuresis, relieving swelling and removing inflammation. Moreover, seminal vesiculitis co-occurs with chronic prostatitis, and it is also very effective in the treatment of chronic prostatitis.

During drug treatment, patients can also use warm water for treatment. Under normal circumstances, control the water temperature at about 42℃, which will have a good heat dissipation function for the site of seminal vesiculitis. Moreover, it can effectively make the blood circulation system smooth and virtually eliminate the state of inflammation.

However, the sitting bath time should not exceed too long. Too long will have some adverse effects on the surrounding reproductive organs, and it is likely that too long sitting bath time will lead to other diseases.

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