
The other day I was in a setting that I was not familiar with and frankly felt a bit out of element.  As I stood in this feeling, I gently reminded myself  you are safe to be you .  It sounds so silly to grown women but sometimes a gentle reminder to myself that I can be ME and allow myself to beat my own unique drum as I like the sound of my drum.

Here are some affirmations to support being true to who you are:

I lovingly support and accept the person I am today and I invite and allow God and the Universe to assist me in that support.

I empower myself to choose what feels good and true for me, in my speech and in my actions.

I am patient with myself as I allow myself to think clearly and feel each moment as I stand in  my authenticity.   

Find Nancy on  AwakenwithLight.com , or  Facebook.com/AwakenwithLight , Twitter @AwakenwithLight , Weekly at Noon ET on  BlogTalkRadio.com/AwakenwithLight .

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Gentle Boudrie, owner and founder of  Awaken With Light, Inc ., is a Usui Reiki master and teacher, Angel Intuitive Practitioner®, IET Advanced Practitioner®, as well as a certified meditation instructor and practitioner.

You may find her at  Facebook.com/AwakenWithLight Twitter @AwakenWithLight , LinkedIn www.AwakenWithLight.com  and  Google+ . Nancy also has a weekly radio show on  BlogTalkRadio.com/AwakenwithLight  also available on  iTunes .