Prostate, known as men's "life gland." But with the continuous spread of prostatitis in male groups, the prostate has gradually become the "trouble gland" of many men. Nowadays, about 50% of men have prostatitis for various reasons.

Chronic prostatitis is one of the most common diseases in men. Its onset time is early, its symptoms are changeable, and its relationship with sexual life is often misunderstood.

So what should men do after getting prostatitis?

1. Keep rational and positive response

The symptoms of chronic prostatitis are concentrated in the lower part of the body, making people feel embarrassed. At the same time, the routine operation of prostate fluid examination needs to pass through the anus, and many patients will feel ashamed and unwilling to see a doctor.

Therefore, when encountering prostatitis symptoms, the first thing men should do is to calm down and deal with it scientifically.

Although sexual life is one of the essential links and manifestations of the occurrence and development of chronic prostatitis, it is by no means the only factor. In comparison, factors in living habits, such as long-term sedentary, lack of exercise , holding back urine, and reduced drinking water, have a more significant correlation with prostatitis and are more common inducements.

These factors may lead to chronic congestion of prostatitis. At this time, if bacteria enter the prostate upward from the urethral orifice, the prostate is very likely to have inflammation.

The source of this bacteria is more common from the female reproductive tract. Therefore, although prostatitis is related to sexual life, it is by no means the same so-called "sexually transmitted disease" (STD) as syphilis and gonorrhea.

Patients need to understand the disease and avoid unnecessary anxiety and worry correctly.

2. Develop good living habits

Since the occurrence of chronic prostatitis is so closely related to bad living habits , men should change such habits after suffering from prostatitis.

It can strengthen and consolidate the effect of treatment and prevent the recurrence of the disease. These bad habits include long-term sedentary, alcoholism, staying up late, holding back urine and irregular urination, unclean sex life, etc.

While giving up these bad habits, men should also gradually develop some good practices, such as regular exercise. Exercise can improve the blood circulation of the whole body, including the blood circulation of the prostate, make the secretion function of the prostate strong, and increase the secretion of prostate fluid. Thus, the bacteria can be diluted, which helps eliminate the bacteria in the prostate and promote the regression of inflammation.

Drinking more water is also a good habit worth developing. Urine can take away bacteria along the urethra, which is good for the prostate and the whole urinary system.

Of course, some sports may not be appropriate, such as cycling. Cycling is an excellent way to exercise . However, beginners will oppress the prostate without the guarantee of experience and equipment and cause prostate congestion, which is easy to induce prostatitis.

3. Have scientific and regular treatment

At present, the treatment of chronic prostatitis is still a recognized clinical problem, and the mainstream treatment method is still drug treatment. However, whether it is antibiotics, alpha-blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or other drugs, they often work for some time. Once the drugs are stopped, the symptoms will reappear.

Such a cycle can not cure the inflammation and may harm the psychological and economic aspects of patients. It can be said that the current technical means of chemical medicine are difficult to satisfy people. Traditional Chinese medicine may become a new hope in diagnosing and treating chronic prostatitis, such as Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill . The drug can directly act on the local prostate, which is more direct and effective. At the same time, it also reduces the burden of long-term oral antibiotics on liver and kidney function.

Due to the characteristics of few trunk roads and many branches in the internal pipeline of the prostate, it is difficult for drugs to enter the gland, and it is difficult to discharge inflammatory gonadal fluid, resulting in repeated inflammation and long-term cure.

To solve this problem, the meridian guiding drug in Diuretic and Anti-inflammatory Pill can penetrate the prostate, discharge the inflammatory gland fluid, and ultimately kill the bacteria remaining in the gland.

When prostatitis is mild, it generally will not impact life, but the harm will be more evident if it is moderate or severe. Therefore, once males find some "symptoms" of prostatitis, such as frequent urination, urgency, and pain, they should pay attention to it in time. Early daily conditioning may eliminate the inflammation. Have an early discovery and take standardized treatment to avoid more impact on their own lives.

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