In the tea industry, we frequently see the "ancient tree tea" sign, especially the companies and tea products under the "pure ancient tea" sign. There are many dozens to thousands of ancient teas everywhere. Yes. Old trees, single plants, mother trees, millennia, pure materials, wild ... so often I will meet tea friends and ask the boss like this: "How many old tree teas in Yunnan?" Every boss will answer you without thinking, " The volume is very small, mine is definitely old material, other brands are not easy to say. "

1. Whether the ancient tree has nothing to do with the shape.

There are often masters of different ways to judge whether a tea is an ancient tree tea based on the shape of dry tea or leaf bottom. The varieties of platform tea are simple; ancient tree varieties are rich and colorful: not only large-leaf species, but also middle-leaf species and small-leaf species; there are long, round, flat, willow-shaped, oval, heart-shaped; serrated Sharp, but also jagged and fuzzy; there are blades as thick as leather and thin as paper. These appearance differences are brought about by different varieties, and it does not matter whether it is ancient tree tea.

It was influenced by the tea mountains in the Yiwu and Menghai areas in the past, and people believed that big leaf was authentic. Now this view has gradually been abandoned. The only thing that can judge whether it is an ancient tree by its appearance is that you know that the raw material comes from this mountain, and you are fully aware of the several varieties and characteristics of this mountain. This is not what the master can do. The tea farmers can be separated. Of course, the mountain farmers will not be able to experience their tastes.

2. Look at famous mountains rationally.

About famous mountains, remember three sentences:

The first sentence, there must be good tea in famous mountains. Regardless of the cause of the famous mountain, there is history, there is a taste preference, there is hype, but one thing, the famous mountain must have good tea with distinctive characteristics, and it is popular among the public, regardless of cost performance.

The second sentence, famous camellia is not necessarily good. There are good teas in Mingshan, but the tea you collect in famous mountain may not be good, why? Please turn up, there is more than one kind of tea in a tea mountain.

The third sentence, good tea may not be in a famous mountain. Some places that have good tea, either because of inconvenience in trading, cultural congestion, scarce production, or unclear reasons, are unknown. The level of these teas is not lower than that of famous mountains.

Buying famous mountains also needs to consider the authenticity of the raw materials, even if it really needs to consider the cost performance, even if it is not bad, it must also consider the problem of excessive picking and quality decline. Therefore, Bezos is right, spending money is sometimes more tiring! The easiest is to drink the ancient tree tea you like.

3. Brewing ancient tree tea is not easy.

A lot of friends think it is Pu-erh tea, they think it is enough to brew with boiling water, which is not considered. In fact, most of the ancient tree tea is not suitable for brewing with boiling water, unless it is an old tea with a shelf life of more than ten years. Most ancient trees with short storage period (under seven or eight years), the suitable temperature for brewing is about 90 degrees, too high temperature will cover the level of aroma .

Is not necessarily the best for brewing ancient tree tea in a purple sand pot. For ancient trees with a short shelf life, a high-density white porcelain bowl is more suitable, so that it can easily show the delicate aroma of ancient tree tea. Relatively speaking, the Zisha pot for cooked tea and old tea works better.

4. Tasting ancient trees has connotation.

Compared with wine, coffee and other cultural drinks, the tasting of ancient tree tea is still at a relatively preliminary stage. The reason for this is obviously not tea. Ancient tree tea is richer and more connotative than the previous two drinks. That should be the reason.

The common words we have heard about Pu-erh tea tasting in these years are "domineering" and the opposite "soft". In fact, the aroma of Pu-erh tea is more than twenty kinds, and there are many vocabulary about taste, and the vocabulary about body sense is far more abundant than other drinks. The reason why everyone hasn't used it yet is related to the time of economic development and the rise of culture.

5. Mysterious tea.

Some people feel mysterious when they hear tea gas. In fact, tea gas is an experience that most people who drink ancient tree tea will have, such as back fever, sweating, and physical health. Sensitive people will feel Qi and blood will also be induced in some acupuncture points of the body such as Baihui and Yongquan.

The word tea gas has emerged in recent years, but these experiences are not the discoveries of modern people. The ancients have long recorded it. Everyone is more familiar with the poem "Seven Bowls of Tea" by Lu Tong. It is very beautiful.

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Author's Bio: 

Salesman of Naturalpuerh company who loves tea for life!