I know that I am going to step on a lot of part time toes, but I must speak on the facts. Would you want a part time obstetrician to deliver your baby? No? Then its highly unlikely that you would want a part time agent when you are buying a home. I know it may sound a little extreme however, let’s take a closer look. Your home is like your child in some ways, you want to love it, maintain it (nurture it) and you will of course be required to pay for it for some years to come. Therefore, it is crucial that you have someone who is highly qualified to deliver it.

First and foremost you want an agent who is experienced and highly motivated. One who has great skill in negotiating the deal and is real estate savvy. One who is committed to the business of real estate, “full time.” Now I’m not saying that part time agents are incompetent simply because they work the business part time. As there are many full time agents out there that are not worth their commission. However, lets be honest, for most part timers your new home is extra pocket money, for the full timers its their livelihood and for you it is where you will live, so its only logical that you would want the most attentive hands to work the deal. How attentive can those hands be if they can only work deals after 5:00 PM?

Let’s face it an experienced full time agent who buys and sells frequently in your target area could better advise you on the kind of offer you should present. That same agent would likely be a better negotiator having worked more deals. The market trends change frequently, who better to know the most current trends than someone who is working in them day in and day out. Its also likely that an experienced full time agent would have built more relationships with other real estate professionals, such as lenders. Those relationships could prove beneficial to you in navigating the process efficiently. They will also be better equipped to handle problems in a timely manor, rather than someone who is working the deal during limited hours of the day. In real estate, timing is everything, the full time agent is available to pick up on new listings quickly as they hit the market. When will the part time agent see them? When they’ve just been placed under contract with another buyer perhaps? The really good deals go quickly. Will your agent be available to act quickly on your behalf?

It is possible that a part time agent who has teamed up with other agents could help you accomplish your goal. Meaning the other agents will be available to answer questions and show houses during the times that your agent is not available. However, In this case the team players must be dedicated to you and in sync with one another in order to provide you with the service you deserve. Realistically real estate is a full time job. It may not happen all day, but when it does happen you need an agent who can be there when it does, whether that is 9:00 AM, 12:00 noon or 6:30 in the evening. For assistance with your home buying needs visit us at www.MyFirstMichiganHome.com .

Author's Bio: 

Christopher Shaw is a seasoned Real Estate Investor, with over 12 years of experience and has a passion for working with First Time Home Buyers, Mr Shaw has an ambitious goal of helping 1000 new First Time Buyers become home owners of the next 36 months. In addition to the 1000 new home owners he expects to create over the next 36 months wants to leverage each transaction to adopt up to 1000 families through Volunteers of America's Adopt a family Program.

www.Myfirstmichiganhome.com www.floridapropertyvirgins.com