Let's face it, it is difficult for Americans to get by these days without a credit card in their wallet or purse. This leads a great deal of new people looking for new credit card accounts. However, on their search, they find so many offers that they just want to know, what is the best credit card? Sadly, there is no one size fits all answer to this type of question. This is because each individual consumer has their own individual needs. However, there are a few tips I can give to help Americans choose which card is best for them themselves.

The first thing that consumers should do before applying for a new credit card account is take a good hard look at their credit report. A credit report is a report that follows consumers wherever they go and help banks gauge the risk of loaning cash to consumers. This is a very important step because each different credit card account is designed for consumers of a certain risk level. The higher the risk to the bank, the lower rewards and higher fees associated with the credit card account.

Once people know their credit score and if it is bad, fair, good or excellent, it's time to start looking at the different types of credit cards for that specific FICO score. With bad or no credit, Americans will generally need to go with a secured credit card account. Secured credit cards work just like unsecured credit card accounts. The difference between the two is that a consumer will have to place a security deposit with the bank before using a secured credit card. This security deposit will get rid of any risk to the banks to loaning people with bad credit money through a credit card account.

Consumers with fair credit have a bit more options. Fair credit credit cards are the first level of unsecured credit cards. These accounts tend to have higher annual percentage rates however, consumers will not need to place a security deposit with the bank before using these cards. In some cases fair credit credit cards will even come with rewards programs. However, when it comes to fair credit credit card accounts, rewards programs are usually outweighed by the higher interest rates that consumers pay on fair credit rewards credit cards so this should not be the basis of deciding to choose a specific credit card account.

Consumers with good credit have even more options when it comes to looking for a new credit card. Good credit credit card accounts tend to have lower annual percentage rates, lower annual fees and more rewards and abilities. Once Americans get to the point where they have good credit, lower APRs and annual fees should be the basis of the decision for choosing a credit card. However, the rewards programs on good credit credit cards tend to be of better quality than those programs with fair credit credit card accounts and much less expensive in the long run. Therefore, rewards should play a small part in choosing a good credit credit card!

Finally, consumers with excellent credit have all of the options in the world when it comes to looking for a new credit card. This is because people with excellent credit pose a extremely low risk to banks. This means that people with excellent credit will be able to enjoy the lowest annual percentage rates and best rewards. When it comes to excellent credit credit cards, the APRs generally are about the same. The main basis for deciding which credit card will be best when consumers have excellent credit should revolve around the rewards and benefits of having the credit card account.

I hope this helps in your search for a new credit card!

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by Joshua Rodriguez and is brought to you by:
JEMCreditCards.com: Discover Credit Cards , American Express Cards
The-Card-Mart.com: Card Mart
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