Men and women across the globe experience hair loss. Hair loss can occur because of stress, poor diet , medication and hormonal sensitivities. However, while hair loss is a condition that can affect anyone, men are significantly more likely to lose their hair as they age. In fact, hair loss is so common in adult males that the condition is known as male pattern baldness.

Male pattern baldness is a genetic condition that occurs as a reaction to certain androgens, specifically dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a testosterone-metabolite produced in the testes, prostate and scalp through a process known as 5α-reduction. While women produce this hormone in very small amounts, men typically produce much greater quantities.

How a Natural Hair Loss Treatment Stops Hair Loss

While DHT plays an important role in fetal development, it wreaks havoc on the hair follicles. When produced in the scalp, DHT clings to the follicles and forces them to shrink. As they shrink, the follicles begin producing thinner, wispier hair instead of the long, thick strands they once did.

DHT also interferes with the hair’s resting and growth phases. The hormone lengthens the resting phase of the follicles, which can make the hair appear sparse. Over time, the follicles may stay in the resting phase and eventually die. Once a follicle dies, it cannot be brought back to life.

To stop hair loss, a natural hair loss treatment will either inhibit the production of DHT or prevent the hormone from attaching to the follicles. Since 5-alpha reductase is the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT, many supplements work by preventing the production of that enzyme. Some supplements also contain natural substances that attach to the androgen receptors on the hair follicles. This makes it impossible for DHT to cling to the receptors and damage the follicles.

In addition to blocking DHT, natural treatments also contain substances that stimulate circulation, deliver antioxidants and provide the scalp with other nutrients. Increasing the flow of blood to the follicles will stimulate hair growth. Providing the scalp with vitamins and antioxidants ¬¬will also help the follicles become healthy enough to produce strong hair.

The Difference Between a Chemical and Natural Hair Loss Treatment

To prevent future hair loss, men are forced to choose between natural hair loss treatments and those that contain chemicals. This choice can be a difficult one. With so many prescription and over-the-counter drugs available, many men just assume that these treatments are more effective.

However, this is not always the case. Most medicated products work just like natural hair loss treatments. Both types of products work by inhibiting DHT and stimulating the scalp. The main difference is that a natural hair loss treatment will not contain potent chemicals. Because natural treatments only contain herbs , oils and extracts, they are less likely to cause irritation or unwanted side effects.

Unlike prescription medications, users do not need to visit their physician in order to obtain a natural hair loss treatment. These treatments will not interact with other medications or pose serious health risks. Many times, natural treatments are also more affordable. While there are hundreds of hair loss products on the market, natural treatments are safe, inexpensive and impressively effective.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin. As the highest rated natural hair loss treatment , Procerin is designed to block DHT. While most hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combat the causes of male pattern baldness and restart the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at .