Nowadays, many people suffer from eye disorder problems. There are many significant diseases related to the eye. For example, blurred vision, cataracts are the most common disease. Besides, macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy also the example of them. However, in this article, we are going to discuss the term Ophthalmology which is a very important part of the treatment of eye disorders as well as ophthalmology expert witness and cataract expert witness.

It is well known that Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders like blurred vision, cataract, macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, etc. An Ophthalmology expert witness works with those disease diagnosis and treatment. They have done some significant tests for treating those eye problems like visual field tests, ophthalmoscopy, etc. An ophthalmology expert should not only have a degree of medicine but also have four to five years of experience in ophthalmology residency training. Before this, they have a one-year pre-residency training program. In this training program, they learned about internal medicine, surgery, and pediatrics. The training program has great importance on the performance of the ophthalmologist. Extreme care and appropriate procedure be taken by them during the treatment and surgery.

In the United States, ophthalmology expert witness must have four years of undergraduate studies in medical school. Ophthalmology experts are spent one year in medical or general surgical residency. They have three years of ophthalmology residency training as well as an optional one to two years of specialty training.Ophthalmologists are Doctors of Medicine that specialize in the eye and related structures. They perform medical and surgical eye care and can also write prescriptions for corrective lenses (glasses and contacts).
Ophthalmologists or expert ophthalmology witness well experienced by additional specialty training on eye pathology. They perform research on the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. For successful treatment, they use many ways to treat the patient. Medicine, laser therapy as well as surgery are the common treatment method. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a special test that is used by them to assess ocular structures. Besides, they have demonstrated different tests like visual acuity, refraction, slit-lamp examination, retina examination, etc. are common. They do ocular tonometry to determine intraocular. Ocular surgery or eye surgery also performed by an ophthalmologist. It's a very sensitive surgery because the eye is a fragile organ. For this reason, extreme care and necessary safety precautions are taken by an ophthalmologist.

However, cataract is one of the most common eye problems among eye disorders which usually due to aging . With the increase of age, the protein of the eye lens becomes denatured and degraded. This process further fueled by the disease namely diabetes mellitus and hypertension. It can also occur due to some environmental facts like radiation, toxins or ultraviolet ray. It can be present from birth genetically. Trauma or occur from surgery for other eye problems can be the cause of cataract disorder. Swelling and whitening of lens fiber occur from trauma. In severe conditions, the lens can be badly damaged. The fluids from other parts of the eye can enter the lens in this situation that results in swelling and whitening of the lens. This condition of the lens creates an obstacle to reaching the light on the retina. Primarily it can be diagnosed by an eye examination. The main cause of cataract is the clouding of the lens in the eye. Patients suffer from this disorder lead to a decrease in vision. This is not the end a cataract patient also suffers from trouble driving, reading, or recognizing faces. Besides, the most common symptoms of a cataract are faded colors, blurry or double vision, halos around light. They have trouble with bright lights and also the problem of seeing at night. A cataract patient may fall into depression and blindness.

In this situation, a cataract surgery expert witness can treat a patient very well. He/she can perform cataract surgery that is a very effective solution to this eye problem. Cataract surgery is also known as lens replacement surgery. In this surgery, experts have been replaced by the natural lens of the eye with an intraocular lens. Local anesthesia is used for surgery that ensures a comfortable situation during surgery. Though it is a matter of need of the surgery on the person's particular functional and visual needs and other risk factors. But the successful result of the surgery depends on the person's eye's situation. Cataract expert witness can remove the cataract at any stage of it by surgery and after the surgery, they don't even need any lens. About 90% of the patient can gain corrected vision by this surgery with a low complication rate. It is advice from several recent research that surgery should be done when significant functional impairment occurred. Cataract expert witness follows various tools, equipment, and methods in this surgery i.e anesthetic, corneal incision, capsulorhexis, phacoemulsification, lens insertion, irrigation, and aspiration, etc. By the successful rate of recovery, this surgery has become the standard treatment all over the world.

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