Opening up your business to new markets is one of the most challenging things any company can face. It's a make or break run. You may succeed or you may fail when you do. But nonetheless, expanding does mean that you are growing. Doing this on home soil, however, is much easier than reaching out to another country. Enter the “land down under”, Australia. It's a new world out there, and there are lots more opportunities offered in Australia. With the USA being saturated with lots of businesses, others have found it hard to gain clients. But Australia is a foreign land, and with new business opportunities that are slowly growing there, US companies have started to seek clients in Australia. Through the use of telemarketing, companies have begun their campaigns to do business with Australian companies.

Telemarketing has been advantageous to companies in reaching out prospective clients because it has allowed them to maintain their home base without having to create a new branch elsewhere. The same can be said for companies that are currently trying to do business with Australia. It would be costly to have to open up a new office. Telemarketing allows them to save on costs, and at the same time find new business opportunities . But with this new area to work with comes new contacts. Without good business leads, it would be hard to make those deals.

But it's not a closed door yet, there's still a way to get those much needed leads. With the use of a call centre, telemarketing in Australia can be achievable. What better way to have better client relations than using an Australian call centre? This makes possible clients feel at ease as they are talking to their fellow countrymen, and since Australians have their own unique aspects to their language, it's a good option. Through cold calling, telemarketers can gather relevant information from different companies and turn them into good business leads; and through telephone surveys, they can also gather information about the current trends in the market.

Now that you have those much needed leads, your next step should be to get some deals, right? It's not going to be easy doing that over the phone. But, through appointment setting, you don't have to do it that way. Your telemarketers can call companies and set you appointments with them, allowing you ample time to prepare for the meeting. Not only that, it allows you time to dispatch any of your representatives. Armed with a proper and interesting sales pitch, you'll be closing those deals fast. Many companies are looking for new offers and they'll go as far as to make deals with US companies to get them. It's actually like a trade, if you look at it. You reach out to them to gain business, they deal with you and in turn gain insight into the US market. Maybe they themselves will expand into the US. It's a win-win situation.

With the recent fall in the economy, looking for business elsewhere may not be such a bad idea, and with the use of a telemarketing call centre, doing that becomes very achievable. Australia is an open book, still waiting to be filled with new content. Many business opportunities await in the Land Down Under.

Author's Bio: 

Maegan Anderson works as a professional consultant. She helps businesses in AU and SG increase their revenue by lead generation and appointment setting services through telemarketing. To know more about this visit: