Hair loss, to put it succinctly, appears to be an unavoidable side effect of living. It would be wonderful if one could stave off this unlikeable and unwelcome visitor with better nutrition and more exercise , but this is one health condition that is not affected by the lifestyle choices we make. A visit from hair loss is like a visit from that uncle that no one else in the family can stand: Even though you would prefer to pretend you're not at home, when he comes knocking at the door you have to let him in because he's family and you don't have any choice.

But while it may not be possible to stop hair loss from coming altogether, once it actually arrives there are steps that can be taken to ensure that it doesn't turn its visit into a permanent stay. That may be its plan, but like the best laid plans of mice and men, this one can be derailed if the host of the unwanted guest decides to be something less than hospitable and welcoming.

After many, many years of indefatigable research combined with plain, old-fashioned trail-and-error and more than a little serendipity, products for hair loss have been developed that can really make things unpleasant for the agents of the body responsible for male pattern baldness in particular, which is by far the most common type of alopecia, the scientific term for hair loss.

The Three Types of Hair Loss Products

We mentioned the role played by serendipity in the development of hair loss products, and nowhere is that more evident than with the medication minoxidil. At one time, this drug was used for a purpose that at first consideration would appear to have no connection to hair or hair-related issues. Minoxidil, in its original incarnation, was actually used as a medicine to help control high blood pressure. But as medical researchers and pharmaceutical companies are well aware, all drugs have side effects, and because of this fact they must be studied closely even after they are put into use to make sure they are not causing harm to the patients who are using them.

In the case of minoxidil, when carrying out this process of monitoring, medical professionals were surprised to find unexpected hair growth in people taking this drug. A furious round of research and development followed this serendipitous discovery, and soon there was a new hair loss product on the market that, unlike so many that had come before, actually appeared to work.

Formerly available only by prescription, minoxidil is now sold over the counter in the form of a solution that must be massaged into the scalp on a daily basis. Obstructed hair follicles are re-generated by the healing effects of minoxidil, which is sold under the brand name Rogaine. The only real downside to this type of hair loss product is that it must be used continuously, or any new hair grown on the crown of the scalp – where minoxidil must be applied – will eventually be lost.

There was no serendipity involved in the fabrication of finasteride, which is widely available under the name Propecia as a prescription treatment for hair loss. Relying on one part inspiration and two parts perspiration, determined researchers created this drug in a laboratory for the express purpose of reversing male pattern baldness. Taken in oral form, Propecia works to alter the biochemical processes in the body that are responsible for hair loss, thereby allowing the body to restore its hair growth processes back to their normal state. Like minoxidil, finasteride must be taken in perpetuity for its effects to be lasting. In addition, like all pharmaceuticals, it can have side effects. It is also the most expensive hair loss product on the market. But for millions of men, it is a remedy that has worked and worked well.

For those who would prefer to avoid medicines, natural supplements are another exciting option. These potent mixtures were developed following detailed and intricate study of the biological processes involved in hair loss. There are almost always natural substances available that can help the body restore itself to proper functioning when there are imbalances, and it is now known that this is also the case with hair loss.

There is a substance produced in the body called DHT that is the source of problematic hair loss, and all types of hair loss products must counter the effects of DHT in one way or another. Natural supplements for hair loss help regulate DHT production in the body, prevent it from damaging hair follicles on the scalp and give the body the nutrients it needs to grow thick, healthy hair everywhere on the head. And it does these things for a fraction of the price of medical hair loss products.


The three primary types of hair loss products have all worked for many, but none of them work perfectly for everyone. For this reason, experimenting with all of them may be the only way to find the one that works the best for each particular individual struggling with male pattern baldness.

Author's Bio: 

Speedwinds Nutrition, Inc. is the leader in nutritional supplements. One of their most successful products is Procerin, a hair loss system designed to block DHT . While most other types of hair loss products focus on external factors, Procerin differentiates itself by taking a multi-prong approach. The Procerin hair loss system consist of three components; an oral supplement, topical foam and cleansing shampoo. The Procerin system works to safely and naturally combat the causes of male pattern baldness and restart the hair growth process. To learn more about hair loss and Procerin, visit them at: