Many people would want to become parents. The thought of having one’s own offspring, who happens to be half the person you are, is such an exciting thing to happen. However, the sad thing is that most people are only concerned about the positive things and exclude the negative ones or those which require work and effort. A parenting advice is for parents to be responsible for their children.

What really does parenting mean? Does is start at pregnancy and end at giving birth? The answer is no. Parenting involves being there for the children and instilling values and responsibilities in them.

To prove this, the Bible says in Luke 2:51 that parents are given by God the authority to watch over their children, guide them, and direct them to the right path. This means that being a parent goes beyond the simple biological process of giving birth.

Here are more responsibilities of parents to their children:

1.Parents have to pray to God for enlightenment and wisdom to know what they ought to do with their children. Parents can never say “I don’t know what to do with my children”. This is equal to saying “I don’t know how to be a parent”.
2.Parents must understand that their children are human beings who also deserve the same respect that they do.
3.Always believe in the Golden Rule which says to not do to others what you do not want others to do to you. If you want your children to grow up with respect for you, raise them also with respect.
4.Parents must also provide their children with the most basic things they need including a safe and sound environment where they are free from emotional, physical, and sexual abuse .

Parents must keep the house safe from all types of danger including things and people.

Food, clothing, water, and shelter are the most basic needs a child has. Practical parenting is providing these to the children. When children get ill, the parents must provide the right medicine for them. They should be able to give the comforting care and touch to their ailing children.

5.Self-esteem is known as the fourth practical need of human beings in the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow. It cannot be earned by the child alone. The parents have a very important role of creating and building this self-esteem .

To do this, Parenting Blog suggests parents to accept their children’s unique personality and talents. They should not be forced into joining any group according to the parents’ desires. Instead, the children should be praised and appreciated for every little thing that they do.

6.Another parenting tip is to instill values and morals in children. These include honesty, compassion, responsibility, patience, generosity, forgiveness , and others.

7.It is also essential to develop mutual trust between the parents and children.

8.Parents must also involve themselves in their children’s education. While sending them to school is a primary responsibility, the parents must be there to personally check on their children’s progress and instill study habits in them.

On the other hand, here is a list of the things that are not expected to be met by the parents.

1.Giving their children branded clothes and shoes, including computers and video games.
2.Parents should not pick up after their children’s mess. Instead, they should teach them to fix their own mess.3.Never give up everything you are supposed to do to give in to a child’s wants.
4.When the child gets into trouble, parents should not always bail them out. They must be taught a lesson.

Parenting blog has more advices on its site, .

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Parenting Blog provides helpful advice and information for pregnant women on how to stay healthy during Pregnancy . Let our articles answer all your questions and guide you through taking care of yourself and your baby.