High blood sugar is a commonly reported health disorder among today's men and women. The medical term for high blood sugar or blood glucose is hyperglycemia. The common symptoms of high blood glucose are irritability, fatigue, blurred vision, dry mouth, frequent urination, poor wound healing, excessive hunger and thirst and weight loss. The problem of high glucose is triggered by factors like obesity, stress, heredity, aging, high fat diet, excessive alcohol intake, physical inactivity, hypertension high triglycerides and high blood cholesterol. Herbal remedies can effectively lower glucose levels and the good thing is that herbal remedies are absolutely free from adverse side-effects. Best herbal remedies can reduce glucose levels miraculously and no insulin will be required for the purpose.

Aloe Vera juice is highly beneficial in lowering glucose levels. High fluid accumulation in the body, a side effect of hyperglycemia can be checked if you take Aloe Vera juice everyday. Aloe Vera can be used both internally as well as externally. Intake of Aloe Vera juice safely lowers triglyceride levels in a diabetic. Patients with high glucose are recommended to take Aloe Vera juice twice daily. Apart from lowering blood glucose levels, Aloe Vera juice also lowers cholesterol, cures constipation and improves skin tone.

Ginseng, a common ingredient in most herbal medicines is quite effective in lowering blood glucose. Intake of Asian Ginseng can accelerate the working rate of the insulin receptors, thereby lowering blood glucose levels effectively. Nowadays Ginseng capsules and extracts are easily available in market. Intake of Ginseng along with a diet high in nutrition can fetch speedy results. Ginseng is rich in compounds that improve blood circulation through out the body. Ginseng is a unique combination of peptides, biotin, enzymes and volatile oils. Apart from lowering glucose levels, ginseng also lowers cholesterol and cures erectile dysfunction

Cinnamon, a common spice in the various food recipes is a good remedy for lowering glucose levels. It is composed of Vitamins C and K and minerals like iron and manganese. Due to its multiple benefits, cinnamon often goes in to the preparation of numerous herbal medicines. Cinnamon is a perfect cure for patients with high glucose level. Apart from warding off high glucose symptoms, cinnamon also helps in curing migraine and indigestion and also helps in lessening arthritis pain and inflammation.

Green tea, enriched with vital nutrients, helps in lowering blood glucose effectively. The polyphenols in green tea lowers the amylase amount in a diabetic's body and keeps blood glucose in check. The drink is also reputed for its anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties. Taking herbal green tea daily would free your body of free radicals, reverse the aging process and lower glucose effectively and naturally without any side effects.

Bitter melon too is a popular herbal remedy for lowering blood glucose levels. Hypoglycemic compounds in bitter melon would effectively reduce the blood glucose levels and heighten the body's tolerance to glucose.

In short high blood glucose lowering herbal remedies are effective enough. They are a safe and natural alternative to synthetic drugs.

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