High blood pressure, else known as hypertension is a common health disorder formed due to high pressure in arterial walls. If left unnoticed, high blood pressure can give rise to several health problems in future life of person. Some among the main risk factors due to high BP problem include cardiac disease, kidney disease, arteriosclerosis and stroke. Diet schedule plays a significant role in controlling blood pressure of person. In order to maintain blood pressure under normal level, it is advised to follow a healthy lifestyle by consuming nutritive diet and practicing regular exercise . Causes contributing for hypertension vary from one person to another. Low level of magnesium is found to be as a main cause contributing for high blood pressure.

Apart from increasing blood pressure level, magnesium deficiency in body can induce several other health problems like muscular cramps, high stress and apnea. In order to reduce the risk of hypomagnesemia, it is advised to include a good amount of magnesium rich food items in diet . Some among the top recommended food sources with high magnesium level include pumpkin seeds, bran, sunflower seeds and almonds.

Cures for high BP are usually prescribed according to the underlying cause of problem. Dizziness, headache and nose bleeds are some common symptoms show as a result of high blood pressure. As per studies, high stress is reported as a common cause of high BP. Relieving stress is a natural remedial measure suggested to control high BP. If you are in search of a best supplement to cure high stress condition, it is advised to choose one made out of herbal ingredients. Use of herbal products helps in curing stress condition without inducing any adverse action on user. Some among the herbal cures prescribed for treating high stress include kava kava, St John’s wort and lavender. In order to avoid the risk of hypertension due to stress, people are advised to practice yoga and meditation regularly for at least thirty minutes per day.

Hawthorn, one among the common ingredients used for the preparation of herbal medicines is a best recommended cure to control high BP. Leaves, berries and flower parts of plant are mainly used for the preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Apart from controlling high BP, use of hawthorn herb extract also delivers other health benefits like dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation throughout the body.

Similar to hawthorn herb, garlic is also one of the safe herbal remedies to control high blood pressure problem naturally. At present, you can easily get garlic supplements from market in versatile forms. It acts as a natural antibiotic and reduces the chance of getting infection. In order to attain good control over high blood pressure, it is advised to include a good amount of garlic extract in diet foods. Intake of food sources enriched with folic acid is another natural remedial measure to get control over high BP. It provides sufficient nutrients to body cells and improves the overall health of person. Some among the best recommended food items with good source of folic acid include broccoli, asparagus, beans and avocado.

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