Tax season runs from the beginning of January to the middle of April. During this time, many CPAs are quite busy preparing tax returns. As every American who makes money must submit a return, they are busy.

However, some groups of CPAs are busy throughout the entire year. Other workers involved in the tax world are just as busy as CPAs. These include tax attorneys and even IRS tax agents examining returns.

Most Americans rarely second guess their submitted tax return. Once the tax return is received, people move onto to other things. However, few are aware returns are scrutinized for periods of time.

This is when the IRS may request an audit of certain tax returns. Many audits do not end in successful situations for tax payers. Tax payers are often required to pay the government owed taxes.

The IRS can be very strict on this payback method and time frame. In some cases, Americans owe tens of thousands of dollars to the IRS. This puts them in difficult financial situations for a long time.

These situations require some type of professional assistance. United Tax Group is a firm that may offer assistance to tax payers. United Tax Group has a team of educated tax settlement specialists.

Tax settlement specialists are quite helpful in working with the IRS. These individuals at United Tax Group negotiate on behalf of clients. This negotiation involves trying to get back taxes as low as possible.

Educated specialists at United Tax Group know a lot about tax laws. This is beneficial as some benchmarks are considered non-collectible. This means the IRS cannot come after this money owed by a citizen.

Specialists know how to help tax payers become tax compliant. This is one requirement the IRS instills on all those owing money. These specialists know just what it takes to become compliant.

Settlement specialists must be fully aware of tax audit strategies. These tax strategies are those the IRS will use in an audit. It is important for specialists to explain to clients what to expect.

United Tax Group settlement specialists are helpful in other areas. They can help establish repayment plans the IRS will accept. These payment plans are developed based on what clients can afford.

Through all this specialists must know the tax preparation process. This is important so specialists can pinpoint the mistakes are. United Tax Group specialists are highly educated in this area.

Author's Bio: 

United Tax Group is a firm of CPAs, tax attorneys, and IRS Experts that help people with IRS tax issues. These tax issues may be for personal or business matters. United Tax Group helps people in stressful situations resolve IRS tax problems with the least amount of exposure. The specialists work very closely with each client as every client’s needs are different. United Tax Group provides a variety of beneficial services to many people. The full list of services can be found at .