Now that everybody is a health enthusiast, some people don't have time to visit the exercise room. Here go through the tips how to get an intensified chest. These basic exercises can not only motivate men but also women to get a curved figure. The pectoral major and the small pectoral muscles typically target the chest exercises. It primarily includes weight training. You can now strengthen your chest in your home if you don't have time or are too fortunate to hit the gym. A better chest strengthens your posture and reduces your risk of injury. To get the desired physical impact, follow these simple chest exercises:

1. Push-Up

Push-up is one of the most popular exercises for body weight. It works not just on your chest; it works on your triceps. Several push-ups are available at home.

  • Standard push up:
  • Place the hands below the shoulders with your back, head, and buttocks in a straight line. Extend your legs and bring your shoulder blades down and down. Weight is on your toes. Hang tucked to the body with your elbows.

  • Clap Push-Up:
  • Begin with your hands placed below your shoulders and your fingers split slightly with your arm-support. Lower yourself until your chest is over the ground and bend the elbows to lift the first segment. Turn the step to the full extent with your weapons. Take your hands off the floor so that your hands are clapped fast and placed again.

  • A single-arm push-up:
  • Use a bench, move, table, or wall for push-up on a tilting. Get into a push-up position on the surface with one hand and stretch out the feet. Keep on your bottom back, your hand tight. Slowly lower your body until you almost hit the chest and come to the start.

  • Push-up decrease:
  • Kneel on the floor behind the body at height. Slightly larger than shoulder-width is positioning hands on the floor. Set feet on the height. Raise the body with a straight body and extended arms in a board position. Maintain the body directly, bending the arms to the foot. Force your body as you reach the start place before you spread your arms.

    2. Dips bar parallel

    You can do that in a park with parallel bars or chairs in your house (obviously the taller ones will be better). Place your hands parallel on the bars or you can place at the back of the chair at the same position. Keep your bodily flesh straight, drive your thighs and torso upwards straight, but don't allow the feet to touch the ground. Repeat it several more. Repeat it.

    3. Dumbbell Bench Press 180-Degree Twisting

    Lie back on a bench that holds two stumps and arms folded around your stomach. Lower the stumps to the outside of the chest slowly, and then push and rotate at 180° as you move to start. Keep it up

    4. Floor Press

    A perfect stop to make while the bench is running, the floor-press helps you similarly work your chest. Sitting on the ground and pressing the belt above, you have a much narrower range of movement than the traditional bench press so that less pressure is exerted on your shoulders.

    When it comes to chest workout, one of the very important things to keep in mind is that we should either do it under the supervision of someone or properly follow someone who has the intricate practical knowledge of the same. Do not end up using very heavy weights, as this can do more harm than good to you, and you might never be able to do such exercises again.

    To Know more about effective results visit this : Chest workout by Gagan Dhawan

    Author's Bio: 

    Anjali Sinha here. I’m a freelance writer specializing in blog posts, press releases and web content for online businesses.