Almost every woman observes her menstruation. The amount of menstruation, more or less, color, whether there will be blood clots, will affect health. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, menstruation is also an indicator of the body. Only normal menstruation means that they are in good health.

Menstruation is a physiological phenomenon that accompanies women. For many women, dysmenorrhea is common. Dysmenorrhea is divided into two types. One is physiological, and the other is pathological. Physiological dysmenorrhea is more common in unmarried women without pregnancy . This situation is usually due to the cervical mouth being relatively tight during the menstrual period. Menstrual blood outflow is not smooth, resulting in spasmodic uterine contraction caused by pain. The pain usually improves significantly later after birth.

The second is the pathological dysmenorrhea. This situation is more common in women after childbirth or women who have had an abortion. Many women think it is good to tolerate dysmenorrhea. Gynecological diseases cause dysmenorrhea. If women take a laissez-faire attitude , it will only lead to severe consequences.

What gynecological diseases can be related to dysmenorrhea?

1. Chronic pelvic inflammation. Patients will have persistent abdominal pain and pain after intercourse. Chronic pelvic inflammatory disease can be accompanied by frequent urination, leucorrhea, abnormal menstruation, and other symptoms.

2. Endometriosis. Some patients will also have nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms. Bed rest or drug analgesia can alleviate dysmenorrhea in women, which is not a simple problem.

3. Adenomyosis. Most women will have dysmenorrhea and excessive menstruation, which should cause women's vigilance. It is easy to cause anemia in patients for a long time.

4. Pelvic congestion syndrome. The patients will have abdominal pain, sexual discomfort, low back pain symptoms, back pain during the menstrual period, and pain during intercourse.

How do women say goodbye to dysmenorrhea?

1. Drug therapy. If it is confirmed that dysmenorrhea is caused by endometriosis, adenomyosis and pelvic inflammatory disease, oral contraceptives can reduce the pain and prevent the aggravation of adenomyosis. But taking contraceptives should not be too long, especially for some women who have not yet become pregnant. And after stopping the drug, some patients will have a recurrence.

Patients can also choose traditional Chinese medicine treatments, such as Fuyan pill. It will eliminate the dysmenorrhea symptoms caused by these diseases and treat the disease without recurrence and will not harm the body.

2. Massage can relieve dysmenorrhea. Massage around the navel can improve pelvic blood circulation, eliminating congestion, making menstrual blood discharge more smooth, and making women feel comfortable in the menstrual period. Dysmenorrhea may be caused by cold or low blood circulation. Through the way of traditional Chinese medicine, massage can be perfect for alleviating dysmenorrhea.

3. Hot compress can relieve dysmenorrhea. Women in the menstrual period are relatively weak, to do a good job in the waist and abdomen warm work. Avoid cold water or drink cold drinks during menstruation. Women can drink some brown sugar ginger water during menstruation to promote blood circulation and eliminate the body's cold, effectively alleviating the dysmenorrhea caused by the cold palace.

4. Timely supplement of minerals can relieve dysmenorrhea in women. Female dysmenorrhea may also be caused by the lack of certain trace elements in the body. Therefore, women can take these supplement minerals timely to alleviate dysmenorrhea and enhance women's physical quality to prevent gynecological diseases. Women should choose warm food during the menstrual period.

Dysmenorrhea, although most are primary, that is to say, there is no organic disease. But some dysmenorrhea (secondary dysmenorrhea) is associated with the disease. Therefore, once dysmenorrhea, please go to the hospital in time to exclude organic lesions for early treatment. Otherwise, when it is severe, the treatment effect is not good. It will cause infertility, long-term chronic pain, menstrual changes, and even surgery to remove the uterus.

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