Getting major lag when typing on Dreamweaver? Nothing is more annoying than not being able to concentrate
while writing code. When you first load up the new update on Dreamweaver it works OK but the page lag while
typing in Dreamweaver is not bearable.

Are you using Adobe Dreamweaver and all of sudden it lags on every edit? Before you go turning off all of the
amazing features in this IDE, check out this message from the Dreamweaver Team over at Adobe. Keep in mind
this quick fix should only be done if you know what you are doing.

We are investigating this issue at our end, meanwhile as a workaround can you perform below steps and see if
the issue is resolved.
1. close DW
2. Go to Registry key press win +R -> type regedit
3. go to \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software \Adobe\Dreamweaver 2020\Temp File List\
4. delete the Temp File List folder and restart Dreamweaver (before deleting the folder first take backup of the
folder, right click on it and select export)
Dreamweaver Team”

Comments include: “I work in code view and there is a lot of lag. The last version of DW worked OK, but sincethe update typing is really slow.”

Make sure to close Dreamweaver to prevent any issues while writing to the registry. Navigate to the \HKEY_
CURRENT_USER\ Software \Adobe\Dreamweaver 2020\Temp File List\ . Be sure to make a backup of the folder
by right-clicking the folder and select Export. Close your registry and launch Dreamweaver.

The designers at ChangingSEO. com wanted to make sure this issue
caught attention for web designers everywhere.

This article was written by David Jeansonne Jr. a student at Delgado Community College with 24 years of expe-rience creating and designing websites with certifications in Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop. David started

playing with websites at the age of 11, in 1995/1996. He’s had a huge computer influence at a very young age
and had grown a passion for gaming. As years passed, David designed websites for his lawn business and pro-
gressed on to develop sites for other people, like friends and family .
Today, he is owner of ChangingSEO. com moving forward into the future.

Author's Bio: 

This article was written by David Jeansonne Jr. a student at Delgado Community College with 24 years of expe-rience creating and designing websites with certifications in Adobe Dreamweaver and Photoshop