Learn to be more present by increasing your visual acuity : About the e-book CONSCIOUS VISION.

Conscious Presence

You have probably come by descriptions and course offers about Conscious Presence. Many of these descriptions focus on the attitude Conscious Presence, and on different mental and psychological techniques for increased level of presence. These techniques constitute important and necessary factors and deserve attention, and I recommend you to investigate them.

Many of these descriptions and courses although overlook the importance of training the sensory organs making it possible to even register the reality around us.

The sharpness of vision decreases with increasing age for most of us. Accumulated experience can also result in more and more seldom looking at things in new ways or it can lead to more seldom becoming fascinated of what we see.

Think about how it would be regaining the spontaneity and the curiosity we had as children ...And if we could regain part of the sharpness of vision we had then ...

The e-book mini-course CONSCIOUS VISION focuses on this, and contains a number of easy exercises that will increase your ability to perceive reality around you in a more present and focused way, and which also will help you regain part of the sharpness of vision you had as a child.

Become more Consciously Present by more Conscious Vision !

Seeing versus perceiving

Our ability to see is a result of more than one factor. Partly, vision is the result of a purely optical process, where light is refracted by the eye's lens and an image of the outside world is projected onto the retina. And partly, vision is the result of a neurological process, where the brain uses the information from the retina in order to construct an inner image - perception.

The e-book will describe a training program, which will have an influence on both of these processes, both the purely optical and the neurological. With the help of training you will be able to get the muscles that control the eye to perform better. The training will also have an effect of the neurological and psychological processes involved in perception.

The training methods have their origin in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), where the originators Richard Bandler and John Grinder already 1981 described a case where they via an inner psychological transformation with hypnosis could make a person to regain the visual acuity of his childhood.

Since then a training method that can be done in a purely conscious state has been developed, most prominently by Leo Angart. The method has been used in many places around the world, with documented positive results - many have been able to discard their glasses even after 20 years' use.

The most common is although that people after the training have been able to see clearly without glasses in more and more situations, above all those where lighting conditions are good.

But, even if the training only leads to a limited improvement of your physiological sharpness of vision, the exercises will never the less increase your ability to perceive reality in a more focused and present way, and Conscious Vision will increase your ability for Conscious Presence.

Your psyche affects your visual acuity

The training methods are built on a number of assumptions, which have gained an increasing scientific support:

* Vision is to 90% created by the psyche.The eyes are only the sensors, the "seeing" in itself, i.e. that which constructs a three-dimensional image from the two-dimensional projections on the retinas are neurological, psychological and cognitive processes in the brain.

* Full visual acuity is the natural state.
In so called primitive societies and often in peasant societies people generally have full visual acuity.
In the previous century less than 1 % of the Inuits suffered from myopia (near-sightedness), but this has increased to 50% today. On the island of Vanuato the children attend school eight hours a day, but despite this only 2 % of them suffer from myopia.

* Vision is a learned ability.Newborn infants see less sharply than grown-ups, and children's ability to perceive certain things correctly (for example heavy traffic) is not fully developed until they are 8 to 10 years old.

* Our energy level affects our vision.
Dr William Bates (1860-1931) noted that the visual acuity varies over the day, sometimes as much as one to two dioptres. It is comparatively easy to make oneself aware of how one's visual acuity is decreased by fatigue and depression , and how it is enhanced by pleasant experiences, for example out in nature.

* Vision originates in our inner I, is directed outwards, and then returns inwards again.The metaphysical aspects of vision, as inner vision, our thoughts, our inner believes, etc, not only establish our self-image but also our physiological vision.

* Muscles regain their vigor with training.Most of us are aware of this fact when it comes to the larger muscles in our body, and we know for a fact that it is entirely possible to keep our vigor and strength up into old age with properly adapted training. We are not as aware of the fact that this applies to the muscles of the eyes as well.

Read more about CONSCIOUS VISION: http://psykosyntesforum.se/courses_conscious_vision.htm .

Author's Bio: 

Lars Gimstedt, Psychosynthesis Therapist and Life Coach