We have all heard of "The Road Not Taken" Robert Frost
Which Road are you on? I encourage you to think about it as you ponder though the pages of your life. Have you been running with the pack or doing what your heart tells you? These days it seems we always want to please others and not ourselves. Stop right now and take a deep breathe..........go ahead do it! Who do you need to please? Now doesn't it feel refeshing to know how important you are. For some of us it is a strange and new concept. It feels fantastic when it is a way of life! That's how we find our life purpose. By going within to the very soul of who we are and what we want.
Do you feel like you are sleep walking through life? I was for many years but after waking up my life has change dramatically! I have finally found my calling as a teacher of the law of attraction , inspiration, and transformation . It is the most wonderful feeling in the world and I want to share it with everyone. If you truly want to come alive......step into my world. I feel the vibrational pull to send the message out into the universe for all to hear, see, and feel. If you are reading this post is it not by accident. Let the universe guide you as feel the emotion within. I am so excited to share, with all who are ready to receive. My message comes after many years of ups and downs followed by many different studies. I would like to challege you to to take the life changing steps to uplift your soul.

Author's Bio: 

Denise's vision for Abundance In Motion is to help others evolve and grow to see their true life purpose. My lifes pupose is full filled by watching you find yours.
Two new Tele courses are starting soon.
Please go to website for further details. www.abundanceinmotion.ws
Founded by Denise Jones Inspirational Teacher
469-952-7344 deniseshines@gmail.com