Digital Marketing Tips For Beginners

If you are new to the world of digital marketing, you will want to do some research before diving into a digital marketing strategy for your company . There are so many angles when it comes to digital marketing that you really need to understand what platform might be right for you. Here we will discuss some of our favorite digital marketing strategies and platforms.

Instagram Marketing For Beginners

Once you understand that social media is not a pitch-to-everyone-platform you can begin to leverage it to your advantage. Social media is full of people, like millions of people, so being where the people are is a great way to gain exposure. Instagram was purchased by Facebook and is a platform that is based around image sharing. Any good marketing person will tell you that imagery converts users into referral traffic. Instagram is a great place to start if you have a product that photographs well.

Understanding The Power Of Video Testimonials

Video is powerful, but testimonials of happy customers not only provide trust for your business, but it also gives users a first-hand look into the results they can expect when working with you. There are a lot of options when people search the internet, providing them with accessible video testimonials is a great way to give value and create trust.

Blogging For Your Businesses

Many people say that blogging is dead, but we believe that those people are wrong. Blogging for your business will give you more exposure and extend your reach to potential clients. Blogging also adds more content to your website, something that Google really likes. If you find an opportunity to contribute to blogs offsite, there are ways to benefit from that as well. Blogging is also a great way for you to establish yourself as an industry expert and gain notability among your peers.

Search Engine Optimization

This is a very technical approach that will require knowledge of the strategy. The digital marketing tactics I listed above can all be included in an SEO campaign, but will need to be combined with other tactics for it to be a successful campaign. SEO is usually better left to professionals as it’s far more complicated than simply sharing content on social media. You can find other SEO strategies here , and learn about other strategies that may help you rank better in Google.

Podcasting For Businesses

Podcasts are a great way to get your message heard. People collectively listen to thousands of hours of podcasts every day and people are always looking for new content to consume. This is a great way to get your message out and have your voice heard.

Author's Bio: 

New York Times bestselling author Hamza Fox writes sweet, fun, action-packed mysteries. His characters are clever, and fearless, but in real life, Hamza is afraid of basements, bees, and going upstairs when it is dark behind him. Let’s face it. Hamza wouldn’t last five minutes in one of his books.

Hamza is best known for his Southern Ghost Hunter mysteries and for his Accidental Demon Slayer books.