Chronic kidney disease refers to the slow and progressive loss of kidney function with time. This may occur in a single or both the kidneys. It is different from acute renal failure in that the changes in the kidney function are not sudden but appear over time, many a times it may remain unnoticed and is accidentally diagnosed.

Chronic kidney disease is one of the major causes of hypertension these days. It is better known as renal hypertension and is the causative factor for Hypertension in such patients. However, other factors causing hypertension may also be present.

Hypertension itself and Diabetes are the two major contributing factors that cause Kidney damage. Hence, we can say that Hypertension and kidney disease follow a closely knit pattern, one leads to the other. Polycystic kidney disease, Pyelonephritis and Glomerulonephritis are the other contributors to the development of chronic kidney disease.

Chronic kidney disease has been classified into five stages depending mainly on the Glomerular filtration rate and extent of the loss of function in the concerned patients.

Stage five of this condition is known as the End stage renal disease (ESRD). The only treatment options in this condition in modern medicine is Dialysis or Kidney transplant. Ayurvedic treatments have on the contrary shown far better results through medicines.


According to Ayurveda , The kidneys, The Urinary bladder and the Ureters and The Penis are the ones responsible for the excretion of the Urine and its associated waste materials that are formed as a result of the food metabolism.


Holding on to the urge to urinate and sometimes drinking water or eating with it, over a period of time leads to disruption in the proper functioning of the Urinary system.Weak body structure makes for a weakened immune system which may lead to kidney diseases.

Any injury to the Channels associated with the urinary system may also lead to a compromised kidney function.


According to Ayurveda , the residue of the digested food that we eat, is separated into solid and liquid contents and it is then pushed towards the kidneys by the”VYANA VAYU” (A component of the Vata (Etheral body energy associated with the circulation of blood and lymph inside the body). From the kidneys the urine is excreted out from the urethra, after the remaining toxins from blood are filtered out from the kidneys into the urine with the aid of “UDANA VAYU” (Etheral body energy that manages the urine formation and elimination).

In case of chronic kidney disease, the three doshas in the body are disrupted leading to the vitiation in the apana and udana vayu managing the urinary system. This leads to a damage of the kidney tissues like the glomerulus leading to compromised kidney function.


The basic and primary principal of treatment in Ayurveda is through the modification of lifestyle and diet which is called as “NIDANA PARIVARJANA” in Ayurveda. Most diseases can be cured by making minor modifications in the lifestyle and daily diet regimen. Medicinal intervention is at times not even necessary in mild illnesses. Given below are a few recommendations that can come handy in managing patients of CKD in a natural way.


CHECK YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE LEVELS – It is very important to check blood pressure levels in such patients as it accelerates the process of kidney damage by manifolds.

BLOOD SUGAR CHECK – The same goes for serum blood sugar levels which are known to be very damaging to the kidney parenchyma if found beyond normal limits.

MAINTAIN YOUR WEIGHT – It is very important to optimize your weight as obesity is the major lifestyle disorder that can lead to a lot of health problems.

AVOID SMOKING AND DRINKING ALCOHOL – They all cause damage to the nephrons.

EXERCISE REGULARLY – Exercising helps you to sweat out many toxins from the body and it also stimulates the immune system. It also helps check Diabetes and hypertension.


LIMIT SODIUM INTAKE – Go for foods that offer low sodium or no salt composition. The overall intake of sodium per day should not exceed 2 gms as a general rule.

LOW –PROTEIN AND RIGHT PROTEIN DIET – Stick to protein supplements that are safe for CKD patients. Green gram and pink lentils are a good option to try out. Avoid non – veg food especially red meat.

KEPP A WATCH ON THE PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM INTAKE ALSO – it is important as high blood potassium levels may precipitate cardiac arrhythmias in CKD patients. High phosphorus in blood leads to damaged blood vessels and bones.

DRINK AMPLE AMOUNTS OF WATER EACH DAY – It is not necessary to drink water even if you are not thirsty, but your body should be well hydrated all the time.

DRINK FRESH FRUIT JUICES – If potassium has to be avoided prefer apple juice and avoid lime and orange juices which have high potassium content.

WATCH CALORIE INTAKE – It is very important to maintain optimum weight levels irrespective of the fact that whether you are overweight or underweight. Formulate a diet plan accordingly.


Author's Bio: 

Dr. Vikram Chauhan is an Ayurvedic practitioner based in Mohali, India. He is spreading the knowledge of ancient healing treatment Ayurveda, not only in India but also abroad. He is CEO and Founder of Planet Ayurveda Products, Planet Ayurveda Clinic and Krishna Herbal Company. Read more