Detoxification is the act of detoxing or cleansing the body from certain substances such as drugs or alcohol, basically substances which can be termed as toxic within the body. The process of detox can take a very long time ranging from a few days to sometimes several months or even up to a year.

Why does this take so long? Taking alcohol as example, alcohol effects eventually leaves the body after a few days but the cravings of the individual can take a longer time to subdue. Hence, detoxification period relies on a number of factors such as:

• The type of substance abused. Some substances are easier to resist than others. However, this does not invalidate how hard it is to resist most substances.
Abuse of more than one substance. The abuse of multiple substances can lengthen the detoxification period because the individual would be faced with multiple challenges and hindrances.
• The frequency of abuse . This really matters as the more an individual abuses a substance, the more they are trapped in the web of that substance.
• The volume or quantity of substance abused. The amount abused also determines how long the individual has to undergo detoxification. Some substances effects last for a very long period of time and can even affect the physiological function of the body.
• Other factors include the existence of mental health conditions (sometimes caused by the abuse of substance), the individual’s medical history, the gender and sex of the abuser.

Detox programA detox program is meant to help people during the process of withdrawal. It is generally about three to seven days long and can not be used to replace any needed therapy or rehab.

It can be viewed as a first phase in an individual’s recovery journey from addiction . Detox Florida is easily accessible for users who need to undergo detox.

Variations observed in drug and alcohol detoxDifferent substances reside in the body for varying periods, thereby affecting the time needed for detox.

Drugs generally display withdrawal symptoms but some are not so serious, such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. However, there are others that display fatal symptoms such as rapid dehydration; hence detox programs include medical supervision.

Examples of substances and withdrawal symptoms
Sleeping pills (Barbiturates)In the first two days, the user might experience anxiety , tremor or insomnia. Depending on the dose abused or frequency of abuse, these symptoms might increase in subsequent days.

Withdrawal symptoms vary based on individuals; some individuals experience these symptoms after a week from the last dose while others might experience rebound insomnia after the first week.

Within the first 48 hours after the last dose, shaking, insomnia or anxiety might begin. After a couple of days, symptoms increase and hallucinations, fever and seizure may occur.

After the first week, symptoms reduce and the individual might need to go for therapy to deal cravings that might be experienced. As aforementioned, detox should not be used to replace necessary therapy or rehab.

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A detox program is meant to help people during the process of withdrawal. It is generally about three to seven days long and can not be used to replace any needed therapy or rehab.