Dear Donna Financial Advice Column #2
By Donna Lee
(I am not a certified financial planner but a financial coach and I cannot offer any investment advice by law.)

2Q—Are there any specific questions I should be asking when I interview for a new job?

2A—Yes; there are seven or more.

1—Why is this position open?A—You also want to know how long the position’s been open. Most positions are due to a promotion or an employee leaving and are usually filled promptly. . .unless. . .it’s been open for several months due to a previous candidate having turned it down, the reason for which you want to know; for instance, were the duties expected too strenuous? Was the pay not enough? If it’s a new position then go for what you know and prove your worth!

2—What have their most successful candidates brought to the company?A—You can also ask about the personal characteristics of the company’s top talent. This will give you some insight into the company’s “culture” and you can then state some of the traits you bring and say directly that you intend to be one of the company’s elite performers which is what I hope you do intend.

3—What does success at this company look like in the first 90 days?A—This can give you a realistic take on what the company’s expectations will be of your performance in what is usually this trial period. Realize that if their expectations seem very high during this time, they will be even higher after six months and you must decide whether you are up to the task before taking the job. Unless you are simply desperate for money and will take any work available, you want to determine if you’d like to be in for the long haul and can meet the company’s standards in that regard as well as your own.

4—What challenges can you expect to face in the first 90 days?A—This is a bit more specific about the above. The answer to this question can also provide further insight into company culture and forewarned is forearmed as the old saying is.

5—What challenges is the company currently facing? Is the company solvent (making a profit)? Have many people have been laid off in the past five years? How does the company handle technology changes?A—This can help you determine how long you may be employed by this company. You may also want to inquire about educational opportunities the company may provide to advance your career if you plan to be there for the long haul, in addition to salary, benefits and profit sharing, all of which are perqs. that you may be on the lookout for, although I advise you not to do any work that you would not also do for free because you love doing it so much or else you may not be able to meet the challenges and stay in for the long haul and be the best you can be and do the best job you can at it.

6—How does the company retain their top talent?A—This falls under educational and other opportunities and is something you want to know because, again, YOU want to be one of their top talent!

7—Why does the interviewer work for the company?A—You should see a red flag if the interviewer is hesitant or vague in answering this question. Again, if you plan to work for this company over the long term, you want to know how the company rewards its top performers and stayers.


I wish you all success with achieving your constructive financial goals!

Over the past thirty years, I have secured hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial benefits and cash and I believe that I can help you do so too! See a free preview, then buy and read my book, Guerrilla Financing Tipstm, for more tips, etc. for $7 anytime right from your computer at ! Or you can send $7 directly to me if you prefer through Paypal to my e-mail address: and I’ll send it to you as a Word attachment by e-mail right away. Visit my website: . Send your financial questions for this column to me at my e-mail above; I’ll try to answer as many of them as I can here.

Author's Bio: 

Over the past thirty years, I have secured hundreds of thousands of dollars in financial benefits and cash and I believe that I can help you do so too! See a free preview, then buy and read my book, Guerrilla Financing Tipstm, for more tips, etc. for $7 anytime right from your computer at ! Or you can send $7 directly to me if you prefer through Paypal to my e-mail address: and I’ll send it to you as a Word attachment by e-mail right away. Visit my website: . Send your financial questions for this column to me at my e-mail above; I’ll try to answer as many of them as I can here.