“I make friends with hindrances and every obstacle becomes a stepping-stone. Every-thing in the Universe, visible and invisible, is working to bring to me my own.” ~ Your Word Is Your Wand -- Florence Scovel Shinn

The magnificence that is God surrounds me, embraces is me, is me. For I know that God is therefore, I am. I am the power and presence. I am the Infinite Wisdom and Knowledge. I am Infinite feelings of joy, peace , love and appreciation for all my creations. I declare right here and right now from this place of absolute connection that there are no obstacles in my life only opportunities to express myself more fully; connect more completely and play more fully in my dance with the Divine.

I know this connection, this dance is always available for each of us – sometimes we lead, sometimes we follow but being grateful for the steps; staying in constant appreciation for all that is, remaining humble and compassionate makes the dance more graceful, the steps easier and life a wondrous experience for each of us. I know today I choose to smile broadly, appreciate everyone I meet and know that when I look out I see God looking back at me playing and dancing here on planet earth.

And so it is.


Author's Bio: 

In 2002 I chose to change my thinking and change my life when the old adage of “I was sick and tired of being sick and tired” became my wake-up call. I chose to release the need for alcohol and drugs to make me feel confident, the need for abusive relationships to keep me in the role of a victim, and the need to ignore my personal boundaries for fear of losing friends and family. Although I was always creating my reality, today I consciously create the life I love to live and I am living the life I love.

Through these transformations, I have come to deeply understand that our freedom lives in consciously creating our reality and expressing our spirit through responsible choices that serve ourselves and our planet.

I am a licensed Practitioner with United Centers for Spiritual Living. I am certified Facilitator and Spiritual Coach. I am currently attending the Holmes Institute and will graduate 2010 with an accredited Masters in Consciousness Studies degree.