“God works in Truth.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today I will tell myself the truth and only the truth. The truth shall set me free.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

As I gratefully awaken to another day filled with opportunities, I realize what a joyous dance life truly is. We each are allowed to pick our partners, our music, our steps as we see fit. I also realize the best dance of all is the dance I consciously do with my Creator. As I listen to that small voice from within and I relax into the flow and wonder of each day, I let go of all old beliefs that keep me separate from the Truth. God is my Source. I choose to be the center of peace , remain calm through any storm, and see through eyes of unconditional love. I am blessed and I am a blessing to the world. I hold this Truth for myself, I hold this Truth for all forms of Life. I know as we each live in the Truth of our connection to each other and our connection to the One; then the dance is filled with grace, ease, wonder and delight. Relax and let the essence of your soul, the God within lead today. Listen, hear and speak the Truth; it will set you free and bring you closer to all that truly IS.Namaste

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