“The Truth (and healing) is instantaneous in demonstration. The process (or delay) is only the time and effort I undergo in my realizations of Truth.” – Ernest Holmes

With each breath I align my mind, my heart, my soul with the One; the One Mind, the One Heart, the One Soul that manifests in and through and around me. Accepting and realizing that it is always “done unto you as you believe.” - Matthew 9:29.

Everything God is I AM; there is no separation, there is only the One Source. I know this is true for each and every one of us. We each manifest our individual, unique realities through this Infinite Source; this wondrous, magnificent Source which is greater than each individual part.

I recognize that it truly is all God acting through that aspect of itself which is the Law. The Law is like the soil and the manifestation of our thoughts is like the plant. If I plant an apple seed into the soil and I nurture it, the soil will produce an apple tree; not an orange tree or a pear tree, just an apple tree. If I have a thought, positive or negative, it goes into the Law. If I nurture it and tend to it, I will produce a positive or negative manifestation .

This aspect of God does not judge or dole out good and evil, this aspect of God only responds to the choices, the thoughts, the emotions that I emanate out. I know that I am always co-creating with the Divine, painting the picture of my reality on a blank canvas; so I choose my colors wisely. I remember to be grateful. I smile more and laugh often. I visualize the good in my life and energetically protect myself for perceiving any bad.

I know that my life, every step of it, is of my own doing; how I choose to react to situations and how I choose to create my own painting is up to me. We are all capable of seeing life exactly as we choose. So choose wisely. Know that every choice you make is Cause and everything that shows up in your life is Effect.

I am grateful for this realization. I am grateful God is My Source. I am grateful that God just IS. I turn this prayer over into the Law knowing that it is already so in the One Mind. I let go and I surely let God AND SO IT IS.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com