“If we tell of healing the sick, we do not mean that there are sick people. We mean that we see people more nearly as they are.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today, the Holy Spirit reveals to me my Spiritual Wholeness and the Spiritual Wholeness of others. All is God and God is all.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

I allow God to be my ultimate dance partner following that small voice from within whenever I make a decision, have a thought, or look out into the world. I act as if God and I are exactly the same all the time for that is the Truth for me. I take responsibility for myself, my feelings, my reactions and truly come from that place of Oneness. As I consciously do this I know I make a difference one person at a time starting with me. It is easy to point out at others but I choose to remember when I do point, three fingers are pointing back at me. When I choose to be negative, negativity comes back to me threefold and when I choose to be the power and presence of unconditional love, unconditional love returns to me threefold. I know when I allow God to lead then every thought, every idea, every feeling is that of the Divine. God IS, I get to choose to be part of the whole or allow myself to be separate. I choose to focus on love, joy, connectedness, oneness, peace , prosperity , wholeness, perfection; I choose to listen to my body knowing that “discomfort of any kind, whether you call it emotional, or physical pain within my body, it always, always means the same thing: "I have a desire that is summoning Energy, but I have a belief that is not allowing so I've created resistance in my body." The solution, every single time, to the releasing of discomfort, or pain -- is the relaxation and the reaching for the feeling of relief.” Abraham-Hicks I am pure energy, pure spirit! I am grateful for the dance and the dance partner. I am grateful for the ease and grace that is my life because I know that is how I choose to dance. I release these words into the law knowing that it is already so. I let go. I let God. And so it is

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