“By the study of Spirit we become acquainted with Spirit and realize that the trees are in reality Spirit, whispering great secrets of how to be happy and free.” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today, I see with spiritual eyes and behold the world around me with awe.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne

Each day I know from my heart of hearts that I am connected to the vast Universe of the One, but today holds special meaning for me personally. For it was seven years ago TODAY, that I awakened from my life of feeling separate into this journey of awakening to the realization that I am connected to all things. The power, the presence, the magnificence that raises and sets the sun; ebbs and flows the oceans; and changes the colors of each season is the very same power and presence that resides in, through, and as me. Today is the same day for me as it is for everyone else on the planet; I choose to hold it dear in my heart. It is my experience with the Divine on this day. Like any experience in life we each get to attach our own meaning to our own experiences; good, bad, or indifferent. If I choose to allow then I am like the trees whispering through the different seasons – I don’t need to react for I am in reality another form of Spirit. I claim this as my Truth. I am grateful for my life just the way it is and just the way it is not. I know as Spirit there is nothing, nor anyone that is against me. So I breathe deeply, I choose wisely and I allow everyone to be exactly who they choose to be. For I know that peace begins in my heart and there are infinite possibilities available to me. I choose how I act and react. I choose what I believe or do not believe. I choose my feelings. No one anywhere can make me do anything unless I choose to dance the dance. I am grateful for today because it reminds me of my journey. I am grateful for my friends, my spiritual community and all friends of Bill W. I release these words out into the Oneness of the Universe knowing it is already so. I let go, I let God and so it is.Namaste

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