“Our own will says: ‘Believe with the world.’ God’s will says: ‘Believe in me.’” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“Today, I say yes. Yes, God! Yes, Life! Yes, I trust! Yes, I believe.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne Lewis

I know we are each at choice. We get to choose what we believe. I believe in a power, a presence, the God of my understanding; that is more expansive, more loving, present in all places at all times, that is infinite awareness, and absolute Truth. I know this Infinite Source of all there is; is present within me, around me and through me. I know there is not a spot that God is not. Imagine if we all said YES to life. Imagine if we believed, as the mystic Jesus, that we are all connected to each other. Imagine if we looked at each other from that center within us that is unconditional love and saw each other without any labels. Today I choose to know for myself that I am connected to everything. I choose to think kinder thoughts, speak kinder words, and act from a place of unconditional love towards everyone I encounter AND towards myself. I know for myself that unconditional love, peace , joy, and wisdom ; those qualities I choose to see in the world must begin with me. I am so grateful each day that I am living in God’s abundant Universe. I am grateful God is my Source. I am grateful in saying YES, to the power and presence of God within me knowing the innermost God and the highest God and truly one and the same. I expand my heart with every breath, I release, I surrender, I let go, I let God; and so it is

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