“I recognize the Power of the Word, operating as the Truth, that can do all things!” Ernest Holmes

“The Word was with God and the Word was God.” We each are a manifestation of the whole; God IS, therefore, we each ARE a part of that which IS. As such our Word is powerful. Our Word can put smiles on peoples’ faces or bring people to tears. Our Word can instill laughter or fear. Our Word can express love or hate. Every moment of every day we are at choice.

We choose how we show up, how we experience life, how we express ourselves through our actions and through our Word. Be vigilant of your thoughts, your Words, your actions, your reactions for as you ARE is how your reality manifests as your life and your present experiences; choose love, choose peace , choose joy, choose abundance , choose gratitude – OR not. It is of course entirely your choice.


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Visit Gayle at www.expressingspirit.com