“There is no death , yet we speak of raising the dead as a work of science. How is this? We mean that we see life when we believe in death .” Scientific Mental Christian Practice – Emma Curtis Hopkins

“I am an ageless, deathless being of Light and Love. My life is God and nothing can destroy it.” 40 Days with Emma Curtis Hopkins – Rev. Dr. Kathianne

God is that unbounded, universal presence. I know this One is infinite awareness; possessed of universal knowledge. This power, this presence permeates all things; there truly is not a spot that God is not. I know I am one with this Universal Presence that lives in, through and as me. I know from the very core of my essence that all God IS I already am. I am a microcosm of the one great macrocosm; the one life of God is my life. I know that when I truly accept this as the Truth of my existence then how could I possibly falter or ever believe there is anything on this plane or any other plane that is against me. I know I am born with free will and I can choose to connect to this power, this presence that is the Infinite or I can choose to be separate. I know that energetically I attract to me the people, places and things that are a reflection of where I am in my thoughts, ideas and feelings. So today I remain actively conscious of my thoughts and my feelings; allowing myself to be lost in the whole which is the one mind, the one heart and the one soul. I am alert and mindful that I don’t fall into believing other peoples’ truths or accepting their reality as my own. Today I choose to express my wisdom, embrace my life, stand in my power, realize my beauty, allow my joy, relax in my peace , acknowledge my wholeness, revel in my happiness and have absolute faith in my abundance . I am so grateful that I am living in God’s abundant universe. I am grateful for my life exactly as it is and exactly as it is not. I am grateful for the ability to surrender to the power and presence of God within me. I release these words into the law knowing that it is done. I release all human attachment as to how this looks and I let go. I surrender and I let God.
And so it is

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